Quick Links
- Atlas of Canada
- Canadian Encyclopedia
- Encyclopedia of British Columbia (Login to our online catalog and access under the HOME tab)
- FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
- Library and Archives Canada
- Van Tech Digital Library / VSB Databases (Allows access to many outstanding databases such as Global Issues in Context. Login to our online catalog and access under the HOME tab.)
Current Events--Sources
Search for your topic in the following databases. (Login to our online catalog and access under the HOME tab.):
- Global Issues in Context
- EBSCO Host
- Canada in Context (Gale)
- The Province (requires an additional special log in, which can be obtained in the library) This site provides full access to a number of Canadian newspapers including The Vancouver Sun, The National Post, The Edmonton Journal, The Montreal Gazette, The Ottawa Citizen and The Calgary Herald.
- Greenfile (for articles on environmental issues)
- The Tyee (for articles on British Columbia current events and issues)
- Newspapers and magazines with articles written by well-qualified journalists: e.g. The Globe and Mail, Maclean's, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor, etc. These newspapers do not usually put all their content online, but you will find many good articles. To find other newspapers from around the world, look at List of Newspaper
- Television news services: CBC News, BBC News, PBS Newshour
- News services, e.g. Reuters
Indigenous Peoples of Canada
- Aboriginal Peoples: Newfoundland and Labrador
- Blanket Exercise
- CBC-Aboriginal
- Canadian Historical Association Booklets (Library and Archives Canada)--Full texts of booklets on a wide range of Canadian history topics
- Canadian Museum of Human Rights
- First Nations of British Columbia [Map]
- First Nations Summit
- Haida Gwaii
- Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
- Musqueam: Giving Information About Our Teachings
- Online Collections: Museum of Anthropology
- Project of Heart: Illuminating the Hidden History of Residential Schools in BC
- Secwepemc Nation Pre-contact Village Life
- SFU Bill Reid Centre for Northwest Coast Studies
- We Were So Far Away: the Inuit Experience of Residential Schools
Ancient History
Atlases and Maps
- Atlas of Canada
- Canadian Atlas Online (Canadian Geographic)
- Historical Atlas of Canada Online Learning Project
- In Search of Your Past: the Canadian County Atlas Digital Project
- Map Collections (Library of Congress)
- Maps (National Geographic)
British Columbia
- BC Stats (Government of British Columbia)
- Encyclopedia of British Columbia (Login to our online catalog and access under the HOME tab.)
- Great Bear Rainforest Simulation
British Columbia--History
- Bamboo Shoots: Chinese Canadian Legacies in B.C.
- Barkerville Historic Town Web Site
- Being Victorian (site about life in the early days of Victoria, B.C.)
- The British Colonist (digitized version of the major newspaper published for the colonies of British Columbia and Vancouver Island between 1858 and 1910)
- British Columbia Archives Amazing Time Machine
- British Columbia Historical Newspapers (UBC Digitization Project)
- British Columbia Historical Photographs Online
- British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
- British Columbia History Digital Collections (UBC Library)
- British Columbia History Portal - Resources
- Cariboo Gold Rush
- Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia
- Chinese Experience in British Columbia: 1850-1950 (UBC)
- Encyclopedia of British Columbia ( Login to our online catalog and access under the HOME tab.)
- Edge of the World: BC's Early Years--Shorts
- Fort Steele: Heritage Town
- Historical Photos of BC and the Yukon (Vancouver Public Library)
- Stories of the Gold Rush Trail and the Historic Town of Barkerville
- Working Lives : a Musical History of Labour and Enterprise in British Columbia
- Yukon Photographers: The Gold Rush Era
British Columbia--Industry
- About the Agriculture Industry (BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands)
- BC Farm Products A-Z (BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands)
- BC Hydro
- BC Ministries (Government of BC)
- BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
- BC Ministry of Mines, Energy and Petroleum Resources
- BC Ministry of Forests and Range
- BC Ministry of the Environment-Oceans and Fisheries Branch
- BC Stats: Business and Industry (Province of British Columbia)
- BC Stats: International and Interprovincial Trade (Province of British Columbia)
- Fisheries and Aquaculture (BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands)
- Grow BC: A Guide to BC's Agriculture Resources
- Guide to the BC Economy and Labour Market (Province of British Columbia)
- Japanese-Canadian
- Mineral Exploration and Mining (BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources)
- Mining Association of BC
- Tourism Industry Association of British Columbia
- Work BC (Province of British Columbia)--Look at "Statistics"-- "Industry Profiles" and "B.C. Economy"
British Columbia--Politics and Government
- CivicInfoBC
- Election Links--Legislative Library of British Columbia
- Government Links--Links to the Government of British Columbia's ministries, agencies and crown corporations
- Government of British Columbia (Official Site)
- Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
- Political Links--Legislative Library of British Columbia
- Union of BC Municipalities
- About Canada
- Canada: the True North Strong and Free (Official Web Site of the Government of Canada)
- The Canadian Encyclopedia
- Canadian Information by Subject (Library and Archives Canada)
- Canadian Inventions
- Canadian Social Studies Super Site
- Canadian Social Trends (free online magazine from Statistics Canada)
- E-Stat, Statistics Canada (" online learning tool specially designed for use by the educational community. With E-STAT you can generate dynamic tables, customize graphs and maps using Statistics Canada's Census of Population and socioeconomic data.")
- Parliament of Canada
- Statistics Canada
- 1837 Rebellions (Collections Canada)
- ArchiviaNet: On-Line Research Tool
- Black History Canada
- Canada: a People's History
- Canada in the Making (Primary Sources)
- Canada Yearbook Historical Collection
- Canadian Confederation
- Canadian Encyclopedia
- Canadian Information by Subject (Library and Archives Canada)
- Canadiana (digital collection of Canadian historical documents)
- Canoe: Portraits of the Great Fur Trade Canoes
- Censuses of Canada 1665 to 1871
- CN Images of Canada
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
- Early Canadiana Online (A huge digital library of more than 3,000 books and pamphlets published between the arrival of Europeans and the end of the nineteenth century. The complete texts can be read online and can be searched by title, author, subject, publisher, and date.)
- Early Chinese Canadians, 1858-1947 (Library and Archives Canada)
- Exploration, the Fur Trade and Hudson's Bay Company
- First Among Equals: the Prime Minister in Canadian Life and Politics
- Fortress of Louisbourg
- Fur Trade Stories
- Historica
- Historical Atlas of Canada Online Learning Project
- Historical Statistics of Canada
- History of the Vote in Canada (Elections Canada)
- Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Victoria
- Hudson's Bay Company: Canada's Merchants Since 1670 (This site is on the official HBC web site.)
- Images Canada: Picturing Canadian Culture
- Immigration (Library and Archives Canada)
- Immigration and Ethnicity in Canada Booklets (Library and Archives Canada)
- Immigration History: Ethnic and Cultural Groups (Library and Archives Canada)
- Japanese Canadian
- Learning Centre: HBC Hamper [Fur Trade]
- Louis Riel and the North-West Rebellion
- Moving here, staying here. The Canadian Immigrant Experience - Canadian government site with still images, authentic documents & explanations of the Immigrant experience starting in the 19th Century
- Multicultural Canada
- Our History: Hudson's Bay Company
- Rebellions of 1837-1838 (Historica)
- Rocky Railway High (History of Chinese railway workers)
- Vancouver Public Library's Canadian History Links
- Virtual Museum of New France
- War of 1812 [Historica Dominion Institute]
- The Great Depression (Statistics Canada)
- Images of a Forgotten War: Films of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces in the Great War
- Internment and Redress: the Japanese Canadian Experience
- Veterans Affairs Canada--Historical Booklets
- Veterans Affairs Canada--Historical Sheets
- Veterans Affairs Canada--Remembrance
- The Canadian Encyclopedia--Industry Links (use for historical information about individual industries)
- Canadian Industrial Trends (Conference Board of Canada)
- Canadian Industry Statistics (Government of Canada, from Statistics Canada)
- Employment by Industry (Statistics Canada
- Gross Domestic Product by Industry: Provinces and Territories, 2015
- Gross Domeestic Product by Industry, 2016
- Topic: Mining (The Globe and Mail)
- Navigating Through A Minefield. Blueprint For Surviving 2016 In The Mining Sector
- For Miners, a Sense of Optimism Returns
- Navigating Through A Minefield. Blueprint For Surviving 2016 In The Mining Sector (report link provided by the Globe and Mail)
- Mining Facts (The Mining Association of Canada)--Important Note: This site was created by representatives of the mining industry.
- Mining Watch Canada (This site was created by a "pan-Canadian initiative supported by environmental, social justice, Aboriginal and labour organisations from across the country")
- Facts and Figures of the Canadian Mining Industry (published by the Mining Association of Canada, a group representing the mining industry)
- [Mining Industry Articles] CBC News
- Canadian Agriculture at a Glance (Statistics Canada)
- Agriculture Statistics (Statistics Canada)
- Statistics and Market Information (Government of Canada: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)
- All About Food: Exploring Canada's Food System (Agriculture in the Classroom)
- Agriculture and Food (The Canadian Encyclopedia)--Good for historical information about agriculture in Canada
- Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food in the Global Economy
- Farm Income (2015)--Statistics Canada
- Human Activity and the Environment--Agriculture in Canada
- Principal Field Crop Areas, March 2016--Statistics Canada
- Snapshot of Canadian Agriculture (Statistics Canada)
- Canadian Federation of Agriculture (the country's largest farmers' organization)
- [Agriculture Industry Articles]--CBC News
- [Articles on Agriculture in The Daily--Statistics Canada]
- Facts on Canadian Fisheries (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Fish and Seafood--Canadian Industry (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)
- The Fishing Industry
- [Fishing Industry Articles]CBC News
- The Future of Canada's Commercial Fisheries
- History of Commercial Fisheries (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- Sustainability of Canadian Fisheries Requires Bold Political Leadership
- Sustainable Seafood (WWF)
- [Forestry Industry Articles]-CBC News
- Forestry (Natural Resources Canada)
- Forest Resources--Statistical Data (Natural Resources Canada)
- BC Liberals Vague on Future Plan for Forestry Sector (Globe and Mail)
- Canadian Forestry Group Pledges to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Globe and Mail)
- Paper Trail: The Decline of Canada's Forestry Industry (Globe and Mail)
- Industry by the Numbers (Forest Products Association of Canada)
- Grappling with Pest Problems, Canada's Forestry Industry Seeks New Markets (CBC News, April 2016)
- Overview of Canada's Forestry Industry, 2016 (Natural Resources Canada)
- Opinion: Canada's Forestry Sector Needs Rebuilding (Vancouver Sun)
- Slow But Steady Growth Forecast for Forestry Sector (Business in Vancouver)
- Timber Trade History (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- Canada (International Energy Agency)
- Key World Energy Statistics, 2015 (IEA)
- Canada's Energy Future 2016 (National Energy Board)
- Energy Information (National Energy Board)
- Energy Articles from The Daily--Statistics Canada (Great source for statistics, trends, etc.)
- Climate Change and the Canadian Energy Sector (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)
- Energy (Statistics Canada)
- Energy Industry Needs to Start Adapting to a Decarbonized World (CBC News)
- With 40,00 Jobs Cut, More Layoffs Still to Come for Canada's Energy Industry (Calgary Herald)
- Energy Sector (Stories from the Financial Post)
- It's Time Canada Reassessed It's Stance on Selling Water (Globe and Mail)
- Turning Water into Money (Maclean's)
- Public Water (The Council of Canadians)
- Let's Talk Dirty About Water (The Tyee)
- Natural Resources (Statistics Canada)
Canada--Politics and Government
- Canadian Council for Geographic Education
- Country Studies and Country Profiles (Library of Congress)
- CIA World Factbook
- Demographic Data Sources [compiled by the California Center for Population Research]
- [Developed, Developing and Least Developed Countries] (List Developed by the United Nations Statistics Division)
- Geographical Names of Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
- Geography World
- Global Gateway: World Culture and Resouces (Library of Congress)
- Google Earth
- International Data Base (IDB) (U.S. Census Bureau) (This database contains a wealth of current statistical information and it includes population pyramids for many world nations. )
- Population Division (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
- Physical Geography.Net
- PRB: Population Reference Bureau
- UNFPA: The United Nations Population Fund
- United Nations CyberSchoolBus: Country@AGlance
- United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN)
- United Nations Statistics Division
- World Population to 2300 (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division)
Industrial Revolution
- Aboriginal Law & Legislation
- Canada's System of Justice (Department of Justice Canada)
- CanLII ("CanLII is a non-profit organization managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. CanLII's goal is to make Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet.")
- Clicklaw ("legal information, education and help for British Columbians", provided by over 24 agencies, including the Ministry of the Attorney General and the B.C. Civil Liberties Association.)
- Courts of B.C.: Your Guide to the B.C. Court System
- Courtwatcher's Manual (" all-in-one booklet for anyone wanting to watch and learn more about B.C.'s court system.")
- Crime and Justice Statistics (SFU)
- Gang Prevention
- Guide to the Employment Standards Act (British Columbia. Ministry of Labour)
- Justice Access Centre (British Columbia. Ministry of the Attorney General)
- Justice Education Society [B.C.]
- Justice Laws Web Site (Canada. Department of Justice) ("the online source of the consolidated Acts and regulations of Canada")
- Law Connection (articles on legal issues for teachers and students)
- Supreme Court B.C.
Military History
- Aboriginal-Canadian Veterans (Veterans Affairs Canada)
- Canada at War - a site covering 20th century military interventions by Canada
- Canada/Netherlands (Veterans Affairs Canada)
- Canadians in Hong Kong (Veterans Affairs Canada)
- Canadian Letters & Images Project (an online archive of the Canadian war experience)
- Editing Traces of the Past - An SFU created website with audio, video & photos from both World Wars
- First World War/Second World War/Korean War--Historical Booklets (Veterans Affairs Canada)
- Military and Peacekeeping (Library and Archives Canada)
- Native Soldiers--Foreign Battlefields (Veterans Affairs Canada)
News and Current Affairs
- Canadian Newspapers (Many Canadian newspapers, including the Vancouver Sun and The Province, are available through Van Tech's digital library page. Van Tech ID and PASSWORD are required. Parts of The Globe and Mail, one of Canada's national newspapers, are freely available online. Many online versions of local Canadian newspapers such as The Tyee and The Vancouver Courier are also free.)
- (This site provides text versions of television and radio news stories.)
- Each of the following databases (ID and PASSWORD needed) contains news articles from reliable sources:
Newspapers tab)
Global Issues in Context
- AMMSA (Aboriginal Multi-Media Society) provides news stories by and about Aboriginal people in Canada
- BBC News (good source for regional and world news)
- CBC Digital Archives
- Global Voices (a site by more than 800 "citizen journalists" and media experts. A great source for exploring local issues and underreported stories.)
- Newsmap (trending news in 15 countries)
- TV News Archive (newsclips from 2009 to the present)
- Al-Monitor : The Pulse of the Middle East (features news from the Middle East translated from a variety of languages)
- AllAfrica (news from over 130 African news outlets)
Religions of the World
- BCERAC Database Lessons for Social Studies
- British Columbia Social Studies Teachers Association
- Canadian Letters & Images: Teacher's Guide
- Professional Development, Historica-Dominion Institute (Lesson plans, research & practice, tours, etc.)
- City of Vancouver (Official Site)
- City of Vancouver Archives
- Historical Photographs of B.C. and the Yukon--This collection includes numerous historical photographs of Vancouver.
- History of Metropolitan Vancouver--Chuck Davis's site
- MOV--Museum of Vancouver
- Vancouver Community Profiles--Information about Vancouver's 23 communities.
World History
- BBC History
- Best of History Websites (EdTechTeacher)
- History Today
- Holocaust Home Page
- Internet History Sourcebooks Project (Fordham University)
- Jewish Encyclopedia(Azrieli Foundation)--Canadian database of memories of Holocaust survivors.
- Middle Ages
- Re:Collection (Azrieli Foundation)--Canadian database of memories of Holocaust survivors.
- Middle Ages
- Renaissance
- Treaty of Versailles [text]
- Visual History Archive Online (USC Shoah Foundation: The Institute for Visual History and Education)
- World Digital Library
- World History Compass
- YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe
Renaissance Websites