- Satirical Techniques Definitions (NCTE)
- Satire (Encyclopedia Britannica)
- What is Propaganda? (created by the American Historical Association)
- Fable Dissection Chart
- Fable Dissection Chart Example for the Hare and the Tortoise
- Fable Rubric
- Aniboom (a tool that you'll need to download)
- Anithings
- Blabberize
- Blender (an open source 3-D animation suite that you'll need to download)
- Comics Sketch (allows you to animate comic strips)
- Doink
- GoAnimate
- Kerpoof
- [Other Animation Tools] -Scroll down to the "Animation" section for additional tools.
- Video Tools & Sharing

The library has many BOOKS on how to debate and write speeches. Check these out:
For debate topics, search Webcat for the following SERIES:
Sites about how to write speeches and/or prepare for debates:
The following DATABASES and WEB SITES will provide a great deal of material for most of your speech/debate topics. Ask in the library if you've forgotten the Van Tech ID and password for the databases. Here are some of the most useful sources for this project:
- Sharpen your debate and speech writing skills / Jennifer Rozines Roy and Johannah Haney, 2011 (808.5 ROY)
- Effective speeches / Valerie Bodden (808.5 BOD)
- Words that ring through time: from Moses and Pericles to Obama : fifty-one of the most important speeches in history and how they changed out world / Terry Golway, 2009 (808.85 GOL)
- Attention please! : making assignments presentable, enjoyable, and memorable for all, 2009 (371.3028 LUN)
- Speeches that changed the world : the stories and transcripts of speeches that changed history, 2007 (808.85 SPE)
- Extraordinary oral presentations / Margaret Ryan, 2005 (808.51 RYA)
- NuSpeak : become a powerful speaker / Geoffrey Lane, 1999 (808.5 LAN)
- How to give a speech / Margaret Ryan, 1994 (808.5 RYA)
- Speaking for success : the Canadian guide / Anthony Lieb, 1993 (808.5 LIE)
- Speaking with confidence : a guide for public speakers / Wanda Vasallo, 1990 (808.5 VAS)
For debate topics, search Webcat for the following SERIES:
- At Issue
- Contemporary World Issues
- Current Controversies
- Current Issues
- Issues in Focus
- Opposing Viewpoints
- Teen Issues
- Understanding Global Issues
Sites about how to write speeches and/or prepare for debates:
The following DATABASES and WEB SITES will provide a great deal of material for most of your speech/debate topics. Ask in the library if you've forgotten the Van Tech ID and password for the databases. Here are some of the most useful sources for this project:
- Global Issues in Context (great for information on current world issues, e.g. Syria, global warming, child labour/labor,fracking. etc.)
- EBSCOHost (contains newspaper and magazine articles on almost every topic)
- Canada in Context
- World Book Encyclopedia and The Canadian Encyclopedia provide basic information on a vast number of topics.
- Statistics Canada
- The Tyee
- CBC News
- BBC News
Research Guide

- MLA FORMAT (Click on the preceding link for information about avoiding plagiarism, formatting your paper and citations. You can use EasyBib to create your citations. Use Diana Hacker's Research and Documentation Online, 5th ed. for guidelines about formatting your paper, in-text citations, and list of works cited. )
- NOTETAKING SAMPLE Use this "sample"link and the example on the back of your "Know-Wonder-Learn" handout as your guides. During the first class, you must complete the "What I Know" and "What I Wonder" sections on this sheet. Your questions must be divided into "Fact" and "Thinking" questions. Remember that your questions will be changed and modified as you conduct your research. The notes you hand in must contain the questions that you decided to answer, not just the first questions that you formulated.
- Follow the format outlined in the "Notetaking Sample" above.
- All notes must be written in your own words. No copying and pasting allowed! You must avoid plagiarism at all costs.
- All notes must be written as answers to the questions you have posed to guide your research. (Hint: Use a different colour font for your questions.)
- You can use Evernote to take notes OR take notes on format on your own paper. (Hint: If writing your notes by hand, you might want to use a separate piece of paper for each of your questions.)
- You must record the source you used for each piece of information. (To avoid repeatedly writing citation information in your notes, you can create a master list of sources, number them, and then place the appropriate number after each note you write.)
- You must hand in all your questions, notes and sources with your research essay. (If using Evernote, just print them out.) These will be marked as part of the project.
Remember that RELIABLE sources are essential when writing a research paper. Below are some suggested sources:
- EBSCO database (Van Tech's Digital Library) Some possible searches include: [deinstitutionalization], ["hospital closure*" psychiatr* patient*], [homeless* mental* ill*], [cost* "community care" psychiatr* patient*] ["psychiatric hospitals" (downsiz* or clos*)], [psychiatric hospitals], [psychiatr* hospital* "british columbia"], [mental patient* "british columbia"], [DE "Psychopathy"], ["involuntary commitment" OR "involuntary treatment"], ["involuntary treatment" Canada], ["group home*" canada], ["mental health care" canada] ["mental health services" canada], ["mental health services" world],["mentally ill prisoners"], [insanity prison*],["mental* ill*" crim* punish*], ["insanity defence" canada]
- Global Issues in Context database: search for keywords such as [deinstitutionalization], [psychiatric hospitals], [mental health care], [psychopathy], [involuntary treatment], etc.
- (Use the search box and quotation marks around phrases to get the best results.)
- The Tyee (searchable online B.C. newspaper)
- Vancouver Courier
- Vancouver Sun newspaper (Van Tech library's online subscription. Log in details available in the library. Provides access to many Canadian newspapers, including The National Post and The Province
Other Useful Websites & Pages:
- BC's Mental Health System Fares Pooly, National Study Finds (Vancouver Sun)
- British Columbia Alliance on Mental Health/Illness and Addiction
- BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services
- Canadian Mental Health Association, British Columbia Division (Check articles in their online "Visions" magazine and information on their "Mental Health Info" tab.)
- The Ethics of Involuntary Treatment (Canadian Psychiatric Association
- Forty years of Deinstitutionalization of Psychiatric Services in Canada: An Empirical Assessment
- Hospitalizing a Mentally Ill Person (Canadian Bar Association)
- Lost in Transition: How a Lack of Capacity in the Mental Health System is Failing Vancouver's Mentally Ill and Draining Police Resources (2008)
- Mental Health (World Health Organization--The "Mental Health Atlas 2011" shows where Canada stands in terms of mental health care in comparison to other parts of the world.)
- Mental Health and Substance Use (BC Ministry of Health--This site provides the provincial government's philosophy and plans regarding the treatment and care of the mentally ill.)
- Mentally Ill Need More Aid (Vancouver Sun)
- Mental Health and Substance Use (FraserHealth)
- Psychiatric Deinstitutionalization in BC: Negative Consequences and Possible Solutions
- Relocating Mental Health Care in British Columbia (very useful information and a great list of sources for further research!)
- [Riverview articles] FraserHealth
- Without Conscience (Robert Hare's Web Site Devoted to the Study of Psychopathy) Canadian Robert Hare (UBC) is one of the world's foremost authorities on psychopathy.