Ms. Mak's Projects
BOOKS: Use the books on the trolley. You can search for other print resources by going to the library software at and select "Vancouver Technical Secondary". Log in at the upper left using your student number and password. Select the "Catalog" tab and specify Vancouver Technical Secondary to search for additional books in our library. Remember to look for keywords, websites and other possible book resources in the books on the trolley. A Works Cited list / Bibliography from a book can be a great source of additional resources.
DATABASES: Accessible from the Home tab once logged into the library software ( ).
Helpful databases may include:
USEFUL WEBSITES: Below is a list of websites you may find helpful. Remember, a good website may have links to other resources on your topic. If you discover any other great websites during your research, let us know and we may be able to post them here.
- Chemicool
- Periodic Table Live
- Periodic Table of Elements: Los Alamos National Laboratory - click on your element for its history, uses and elemental information.
- Photographic Periodic Table of Elements
Under the HOME tab of this website, go to "Library Links" and use the "Website Evaluation and Searching Tips" section , to help you determine if you can rely on an unknown website.
There are several possible MLA8 citation generators for your Works Cited list, such as, , BibMe , Citation Machine or the World Book Citation Builder. Select Manual Entry mode when using a citation generator as this will also teach you how to read a citation.
- format your page using Times New Roman 12, double-spacing, hanging indents and alphabetical order