Books: Some print resources are on the trolley. You can also use the search icon at the top right of our online catalog to help you find other titles. Remember to look for keywords, other possible book resources and websites in the books on the trolley.
Online Learning Resources: Some subscription and non-subscription websites are available on the Learning Resources "ribbon" once you have logged into the Destiny Discover version of our online catalog. Use keywords found in books and other resources to help with your searches. Remember, databases may have links to other helpful resources on your topic.
Useful online Learning Resources for this project include:
American Revolution (1775-1783)
Secondary Sources:
Arab Spring (2010)
Secondary Sources:
Chinese Communist Revolution: (1945-1950)
Secondary Sources:
Primary Sources:
Cuban Revolution: (1956-1959)
Secondary Sources:
Eastern Europe (1989) (aka Revolutions of 1989; Fall of Communism; Fall of Nations; Autumn of Nations)
Secondary Sources:
Egypt (1952) (aka 23 July Revolution)
Secondary Sources:
English Civil War Revolution: (1642-1651) (aka Great Rebellion, Wars of the Three Kingdoms)
Secondary Sources:
Everyone! (you might find some helpful information using these searchable sites)
French Revolution (1787-1799)
Secondary Sources:
Haitian Revolution: (1794-1804)
Secondary Sources:
India (1930) (aka Salt March)
Secondary Sources:
Iranian Revolution: (1978-1979)
Secondary Sources:
Lebanon (2005) (aka Cedar Revolution)
Secondary Sources:
Mexican Revolution: (1910 - 1920)
Secondary Sources:
Nicaraguan Revolution: (1979)
Secondary Sources:
Philippines: (1986) (aka People Power Revolution, also known as EDSA Revolution or February Revolution)
Secondary Sources:
Pueblo Revolution: (1680)
Secondary Sources:
Red River Resistance (aka Red River Rebellion / Uprising; First Riel Rebellion: (1869-1871)
Secondary Sources:
Russian Revolution(s): (1917)
Secondary Sources:
Spanish / Latin American Wars of Independence: (1808-1826)
Secondary Sources:
Primary Sources: WEBSITE EVALUATION AND WORKS CITEDUnder the HOME tab of this website, go to "Library Links" and use the "Website Evaluation and Searching Tips" section , to help you determine if you can rely on an unknown website.
There are several possible MLA9 citation generators for your Works Cited list, such as, , , , BibMe . Select Manual Entry mode when using a citation generator as this will also teach you how to read a citation. format your page using Times New Roman 12, double-spacing, hanging indents and alphabetical order
Books: Some print resources are on the trolley. You can also use the search icon at the top right of our online catalog to help you find other titles. Remember to look for keywords, other possible book resources and websites in the books on the trolley.
Online Learning Resources: Some subscription and non-subscription websites are available on the Learning Resources "ribbon" once you have logged into the Destiny Discover version of our online catalog. Use keywords found in books and other resources to help with your searches. Remember, databases may have links to other helpful resources on your topic.
Useful online Learning Resources for this project include:
- CURIO (BBC; CBC; National Geographic)
- Global Issues in Context (GALE) (i.e. search: Arab Spring; Cedar Revolution; Russian Revolution 1917; Salt march,1930; .... ****ALWAYS check the "Full Text Documents" box***
- History Channel (searchable site)
- World Book Student / Advanced (Start by searching for the country you are studying and looking for information about the revolution in the "history" section for that country. From there, look for links and keywords for further information.
American Revolution (1775-1783)
Secondary Sources:
- PBS: Liberty! The American Revolution
- American Revolution
- ThoughtCo: American Revolution
- French Resource: AlloProf - La Révolution américaine
- French Resource: Histoire pour tous - La revolution americaine
Arab Spring (2010)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: Arab Spring
- Arab Spring
- ThoughtCo: Arab Spring Impact on the Middle East
- ThoughtCo: 8 Countries That Had Arab Spring Uprisings
- ThoughtCo: How the Arab Spring Started Tunisia, the Birthplace of the Arab Spring
- ThoughtCo: 10 Reasons for the Arab Spring The Root Causes of the Arab Awakening in 2011
- French Resource: Le Devoir - Le printemps arabe
Chinese Communist Revolution: (1945-1950)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: Chinese Communist Revolution (1945-1950)
- Britannica: Chinese Civil War (1945-1950)
- Chiang Kai-shek
- PBS: Establishment of the People's Republic of China
- ThoughtCo: Modern History of China
- ThoughtCo: An Overview of the Chinese Communist Party
- French Resource: YouTube La naissance d'une Chine communiste en 1949
- French Resource: Chine Chronologie depuis 1949
Primary Sources:
Cuban Revolution: (1956-1959)
Secondary Sources:
- BBC: 1959: Rebel army drives out Cuban dictator
- PBS: Fidel Castro
- Batista Forced Out Castro-Led Revolution
- Ohio State University: A Postcard From Havana, Cuba
- ThoughtCo: A Brief History of the Cuban Revolution
- French Resource: AlloProfRévolution cubaine
Eastern Europe (1989) (aka Revolutions of 1989; Fall of Communism; Fall of Nations; Autumn of Nations)
Secondary Sources:
- Velvet Revolution (Czechoslovakia)
- Ohio State University: Remembering '56: The Hungarian Revolution
- Ohio State University: Poland Takes Charge of Its Own Revolution
- ThoughtCo: The Downfall of Communism
- French Resource: Histoire pour tous - Le mur de Berlin
- French Resource: AlloProf - Le mur de Belin
Egypt (1952) (aka 23 July Revolution)
Secondary Sources:
- Australian Institute for International Affairs: Egypt's Revolution and the Lessons for Today
- Britannica: The revolution and the Republic
English Civil War Revolution: (1642-1651) (aka Great Rebellion, Wars of the Three Kingdoms)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: English Civil Wars (searchable site)
- National Army Museum: British Civil Wars
- ThoughtCo: English Civil War: An Overview
- French Resource: Guerre civile américaine
Everyone! (you might find some helpful information using these searchable sites)
- BBC Country Profiles (select your countr(ies) on the map and look for information on the revolution)
- Country Profiles (US) (select your countr(ies) and look for information on the revolution)
French Revolution (1787-1799)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: French Revolution
- French Revolution
- ThoughtCo: The French Revolution: The 1780s Crisis and the Causes of Revolution
- The Execution of Louis XVI (Eyewitness to History - Henry Edgeworth's Account)
- Beginning of the French Revolution (Eyewitness to History - Thomas Jefferson's Account)
- Digital History: The Meaning of the French Revolution (Thomas Jefferson, 1811)
- Internet Modern History Sourcebook (Fordham University): French Revolution
- The National Archives - French Revolution (Government of UK)
Haitian Revolution: (1794-1804)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: Haitian Revolution
- Brown University: Haitian Revolution (PDF)
- Brown University: The Other Revolution, Haiti 1794-1804
- Brown University: Remember Haiti
- Ohio State University: A Pact with the Devil? The United States and the Fate of Modern Haiti
- ThoughtCo: The Haitian Revolution: Successful Revolt by an Enslaved People
- French Resource: La révolution haïtienne : une avancée postcoloniale
India (1930) (aka Salt March)
Secondary Sources:
- CountryStudies (US): Mahatma Gandhi
- Mohandas Gandhi begins 241-mile civil disobedience march (Salt march)
- Reuters: A breakthrough year for nonviolence
- University of Central Arkansas: British India (1907-1947) (helpful background information)
Iranian Revolution: (1978-1979)
Secondary Sources:
- BBC In Pictures: The Iranian Revolution
- Britannica Academic Edition: Iranian Revolution of 1978-79
- Ohio State University: Viewpoint Iran: The Past and Present of the U.S.-Iran Standoff
- Ohio State University: Iran: Still Struggling toward Self-Determination
- ThoughtCo: The Iranian Revolution of 1979
- French Resource:
Lebanon (2005) (aka Cedar Revolution)
Secondary Sources:
- Gale Power Search: Budding hope: Lebanon's cedar revolution
- Reuters: The assassination of Lebanon's Hariri and its aftermath
- Wilson Center: Wither the Cedar Revolution: Two Lebanese Deputies Give Their Views
Mexican Revolution: (1910 - 1920)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: Mexican Revolution
- EdSitement (National Endowment for the Humanities): The Mexican Revolution (US Federal Agency)
- ThoughtCo: The Mexican Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution: (1979)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: Sandinista
- Country Studies: The Sandinista Revolution
- ThoughtCo: The Nicaraguan Revolution: History and Impact
Philippines: (1986) (aka People Power Revolution, also known as EDSA Revolution or February Revolution)
Secondary Sources:
- Human Rights Foundation: The Legacy of the EDSA People Power Revolution
- Ohio State University: The People Power Revolution, Philippines 1986
- Reuters: Philippine leader seeks to cut short Marcos family revival
- ThoughtCo: Biography of Ferdinand Marcos, Dictator of the Philippines
Pueblo Revolution: (1680)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: Pueblo Rebellion
- Po’Pay: The Little-Known Pueblo Hero Who Led the First American Revolution
- Indian Pueblo Cultural Center: A Brief History of the Pueblo Revolt
- Khan Academy: Pueblo Uprising of 1680
Red River Resistance (aka Red River Rebellion / Uprising; First Riel Rebellion: (1869-1871)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: Red River Rebellion
- Canadian Encyclopedia: Red River Resistance (plain language summary) searchable site
Russian Revolution(s): (1917)
Secondary Sources:
- Britannica: Russian Revolution of 1917
- Russian Revolution
- Khan Academy: The Power of One - The Russian Revolution
- Ohio State University: The February Revolution in Russia
- Ohio State University: The October Revolution in Russia
- ThoughtCo: Russian Revolution of 1917
- Internet Modern History Sourcebook (Fordham University): Russian Revolution (searchable site)
- French Resource: révolution russe de 1917
- French Resource: Les révolutions russes de 1917 décryptées par l'historien Marc Ferro
Spanish / Latin American Wars of Independence: (1808-1826)
Secondary Sources:
- ThoughtCo: Biography of Simon Bolivar, 'Liberator of South America' (look below articles for other links)
- ThoughtCo: Causes of the Latin American Revolution
- ThoughtCo: The Complete Story of Venezuela's Revolution for Independence
- ThoughtCo: How Latin America Gained Independence from Spain
Primary Sources: WEBSITE EVALUATION AND WORKS CITEDUnder the HOME tab of this website, go to "Library Links" and use the "Website Evaluation and Searching Tips" section , to help you determine if you can rely on an unknown website.
There are several possible MLA9 citation generators for your Works Cited list, such as, , , , BibMe . Select Manual Entry mode when using a citation generator as this will also teach you how to read a citation. format your page using Times New Roman 12, double-spacing, hanging indents and alphabetical order