![]() Mr. Willan's Grade 8 Project
DATABASES: Accessible from the Home tab once logged into the library software ( http://library.vsb.bc.ca ). Helpful databases may include:
USEFUL WEBSITES: Below is a list of websites you may find helpful. Remember, a good website may have links to other resources on your topic. If you discover any other great websites during your research, let us know and we may be able to post them here.
Under the HOME tab of this website, go to "Library Links" and use the "Website Evaluation and Searching Tips" section , to help you determine if you can rely on an unknown website. WORKS CITED There are several possible MLA8 citation generators for your Works Cited list, such as, easybib.com , BibMe , Citation Machine or the World Book Citation Builder. Select Manual Entry mode when using a citation generator as this will also teach you how to read a citation.
Narrowing your focus: Topics and Websites
Articles with General Information
What is Chemistry?
What has chemistry ever done for you?
Examples of Chemistry in your life
The Hidden Chemistry in Everyday Life
Chemicals in our life Science News
Royal Society of Chemistry
Aboriginal World Views and Perspectives in the Classroom
Biological Processes
Caves Cleaning Agents Coral Reefs Fireworks and Flares Fire Protection and Fire fighting |

Medical Advances
Resource Extraction and Processing (Mining, Fracking, Oil)
Synthetic Compounds (Plastics, asphalt, concrete or clothing)
Water Treatment
- Agriculture (Stats Canada)
- Agriculture and Food (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- Provincial and Territorial Legislation Concerning Farm Animal Welfare
- Humane Handling and Slaughter of Food Animals in Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency)
- Realities of Farming in Canada (Canadian Federation of Humane Societies)
- Animal Welfare in Canada (Beyond Factory Farming)
- Canada's Rules for Organic Food (CBC News)
- Organic Products Regulations
- Farm Animal Welfare Certification
- The Dark Side of Free Range Chickens (Globe and Mail)
- Choose Eggs from Happy Chickens (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Are Organic Foods Better for My Health? (Dieticians of Canada)
- American Chemical Society
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Crop Life Canada -Pros for GMOs
- Health Canada
- World Health Organization
- Science News
Medical Advances
Resource Extraction and Processing (Mining, Fracking, Oil)
- The Royal Society of Chemistry
- University of Sheffield Smartphones Behing the Screen
- Articles on Smartphones
Synthetic Compounds (Plastics, asphalt, concrete or clothing)
Water Treatment
Science 8--Water Cycle Project: Follow a Water Drop

- The Water Cycle (United States Geological Survey)
- The Hydrologic Cycle (Environment Canada)
- The Water Cycle (NASA Earth Observatory)
- The Hydrologic Cycle (University of Maryland)
- The Hydrologic Cycle (downloadable video from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)
- Hydrologic Cycle (Encyclopedia of Earth)
- NASA: The Water Cycle (Youtube video following a drop of water)
Science 9 Astronomy Assignment
Use the general astronomy links on the library's Science Resources page, the World Book Online, and the books on the trolley.
The websites below will be useful for specific topics:
How Astronomers Use the Light Spectrum
The websites below will be useful for specific topics:
How Astronomers Use the Light Spectrum
- Cool Cosmos (This NASA site shows how astronomers use infrared light.)
- NASA Infrared Astronomy Center
- All About the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (NASA)
- Spectra
- World Book Online--Advanced (The "Telescope" article explains how both types of telescopes work.)
- How Radio Telescopes Work (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
- Radio Astronomy--What's it all About? (theSkyNet)
- Telescopes from the Ground Up
- The Natures of the Stars
- Stars--The End of a Star (or is it Just the Beginning?)
- Stars
- White Dwarf Stars--NASA
- The Solar Furnace (Windows to the Universe)
- Amazing Space--Online Explorations
- The Comet's Tale
- Exploring the Planets--Exploring Comets (Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum)
- Solar System Exploration--Asteroids (NASA)
- Solar System Exploration--Meteors and Meteorites (NASA)
- The Cosmic Distance Scale (NASA)
- An Ancient Universe: How Astronomers Know the Vast Scale of Cosmic Time
- Solar Folklore-Indigenous American (North American)--Stanford Solar Center
- Native American Astronomy (Windows to the Universe)
- American Indian Starlore and Other Stories About the Sky
Science 10--Human Impact on Ecosystems Project
Go to Van Tech Library's Databases page and log into the following databases
- Global Issues in Context (For a long list of topics, click on the "Environment" category on the home page. You can also search for the articles on specific topics, e.g. DEFORESTATION. Another useful strategy is to search for more general topics such as AGRICULTURE or FORESTS and use the sidebars to find information on environmental impacts.)
- EBSCOHost (Database of magazine and newspaper articles.)
"environmental degradation" "british columbia"
"environmental protection" "british columbia"
pollut* "british columbia"
mining environment* "british columbia"
"endangered species" "british columbia"
"climate change" "british columbia"
Also look for broader articles using searches such as the following:
"ecosystem health"
"endangered ecosystems"
biodiversity threat*
"enviromental degradation"
"ecological disturbances"
"environmental degradation"
"conservation and wildlife"
"biodiversity conservation"
habitat loss
"boreal forest*"
Find articles on particular species using the following types of searches:
"grizzly bear*" "british columbia" (endanger* or threat* or conservation)
elephant* africa* (endanger* or threat* or conservation)
- Science in Context (GALE SCIENCE) (Click on "BROWSE TOPICS" and look at relevant articles, e.g. ECOSYSTEMS, ACID RAIN, POLLUTION)
- GreenFile (For sample searches, see EBSCO above.)
- About Our Earth (World Wildlife Fund)
- Amazonia: The Human Impact
- BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer
- BC's Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report, 2012
- Environment (Statistics Canada)
- Biodiversity (The Nature Trust of British Columbia)
- British Columbia's Coast Region Species and Ecosystems of Conservation Concern (U.B.C. Department of Geography)
- CBC.ca
- Climate Education (LiveSmart BC)
- Climate Impacts on Ecosystems (EPA)
- Ecosystem Management (United Nations Environment Programme)
- Ecosystems and Wildlife (Climate Institute)
- Ecosystems Branch (British Columbia Ministry of the Environment)
- Effects of Acid Rain
- Effects of Climate Change (LiveSmart BC)
- Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Environmental Impacts of Natural Gas (Union of Concerned Scientists)
- Environmental Indicators (Environment and Climate Change Canada)
- Environmental Reporting BC
- Global Environmental Change (World Health Organization)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector (Environment and Climate Change Canada)
- Habitat Destruction: Death by a Thousand Cuts
- How Do Humans Affect Ecosystems?
- Human Activity and the Environment (Statistics Canada)
- Human Impact (National Geographic Eye in the Sky)
- IUCN: The International Union for the Conservation of Nature
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Invasive Species: How They Affect the Environment
- Living Planet Report, 2016 (WWF)
- Major Impacts to Biodiversity in British Columbia (Excluding Climate Change)
- Ministry of the Environment (Province of British Columbia)
- NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming
- Plants, Animals and Ecosystems: A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change
- Reducing Humanity's Impact (World Wildlife Fund)
- Sierra Club--BC
- Tackling Threats that Impact the Earth (WWF)
- TED Blog: 12 Videos to Watch on This Earth Day
- Threats to Biodiversity (British Columbia)
- The Tyee (A British Columbia newspaper that publishes many stories on the environment)
- United Nations Environment Programme and Ecosystems Management
- The Vancouver Sun and The Province (You can access the full online versions of these newspapers and search for articles from back issues. The site also allows you to search a large number of additional Canadian newspapers. Ask in the library for special ID and password.)
- West Coast Environmental Law
- What Impacts Do Humans Have on the Ocean?
- What Is an Invasive Species?
- Why Fresh Water Shortages Will Cause the Next Global Crisis
- Agricultural Land and Environment (Province of British Columbia)
- Agriculture (Statistics Canada)
- Agriculture Leaders Aim to Mend Fences with Environmentalists (Vancouver Sun article, Oct 2012)
- Breeding Habitat Loss (Monarch Joint Venture)
- Environment and Agriculture (Food Secure Canada)
- Environmental Farm Plan Program (B.C. Agriculture Council)
- Environmental Impacts of Farming (World Wildlife Fund)
- Farming the Amazon (National Geographic)
- Impact of Agricultural Pesticides on Birds of Prey in the Lower Fraser Valley (SFU)
- Modern Agriculture: Its Effects on the Environment
- Rearing cattle produces more greenhouse gases than driving cars, UN report warns
- Sustainable Agriculture Management Branch (B.C. Ministry of Agriculture)
- Sustainable Table: Impacts of Industrial Agriculture
- What is Climate Change and How Will it Impact B.C. Agriculture?
- What is Sustainable Agriculture?
- Working Lands: Agriculture in British Columbia (West Coast Environmental Law)
- Air and Airsheds in British Columbia
- B.C. Air Quality: Air Quality and Climate Change (Province of British Columbia)
- B.C. Air Quality : Transportation Emissions (Province of British Columbia)
- British Columbia's Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report (B.C. Ministry of the Environment)
- Drivers and Impacts of Air Pollution (Environment and Climate Change Canada)
- Fraser Valley Smog (Environment Canada)
- Driving and the Environment (Natural Resources Canada)
- [Effects of Air Pollution in the Fraser Valley]
- Environmental Impacts of Roads
- Globalization, Transport & the Environment (OECD)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector (Environment and Climate Change Canada)
- How We Contribute to Air Pollution and Climate Change (Province of British Columbia)
- Trends in Greenhouse Gas Emissions in B.C. 1990-2014
- Transport (United Nations Environment Programme)
- Transportation and the Environment (Transport Canada)
- Air Travel and Climate Change (David Suzuki.org)
- Aviation Q&A: The Impact of Flying on the Environment (The Guardian)
- Coastal Development Problems: Tourism (WWF)
- Destination Wetlands: Supporting Sustainable Tourism
- Environmental Impacts of Tourism (United Nations)
- Environmental Impacts (UNEP)
- Impact of Tourism on the Serengeti Ecosystem
- International Ecotourism Society
- Potential Effects of Tourism and Recreation on Aquatic Ecosystems
- Sustainable Tourism (UNESC0)
- Tourism [Impact on Wetlands]
- Tourism and Recreational Impacts (Reef Resilience)
- The Tourism Crisis: Impacts and Solutions
- Tourism's Impact on Reefs? (United Nations Environment Programme)
- Tourism's Three Main Impact Areas (UNEP)
- Canada's Wild Fisheries (David Suzuki Organization)
- Census of Marine Life
- Destructive Fishing--Marine Conservation Institute
- Fisheries Impact on the Ecosystem (FAO)
- General Situation of World Fish Stocks (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)
- Global Map of Human Impact on Marine Ecosystems
- Impacts of Bottom Trawling on Fisheries, Tourism and the Marine Environment
- Oceans (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Overfishing (WWF)
- Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council
- Seafood and Oceans (Sierra Club, British Columbia)
- The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture--2014 (Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- World Fish Stocks Disappearing Faster than Feared (Science Magazine, Oct 28, 2012)
- World Fisheries Trust
- Canada Largest Contributor to Deforestation Worldwide: Study (Huffington Post)
- Canada's Degradation of Pristine, Intact Forests Leads World (CBC News)
- Deforestation (Encyclopedia of Earth)
- Deforestation (National Geographic)
- Deforestation (WWF Global)
- Deforestation in Canada : What are the Facts? (Natural Resources Canada)
- Forest Impacts (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Habitat Loss (American Bird Conservancy)
- Human Impacts on Forest Biodiversity (FAO)
- No to Forest Giveaway, Yes to Forest Action (Sierra Club, British Columbia)
- Sumatran Orangutans: On the Edge of Extinction
- About Coal Mining Impacts (Greenpeace)
- Challenges Facing Mining in British Columbia (Andrew Weaver)
- Deep Sea Mining: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? (Earth Institute, Columbia University)
- Diamonds and Sustainable Development? (CARC)
- Environmental Disaster That is the Gold Industry (Smithsonian)
- Environmental Impacts of Coal
- Environmental Risks of Mining (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Mining Can Damage Fish Habitats Far Downstream, Study Shows (Michigan State University)
- Mining & Energy (Sierra Club B.C.)
- Mining & Energy Publications (Sierra Club B.C.)
- Mining Watch Canada (Also check out the British Columbia section of this site.)
- Mount Polley Mining Disaster Caused Major Changes to Ecosystem--Study (British Columbia)
- Oil Sands Could Affect Millions of Migratory Birds (World Watch Institute)
- Oil Sands Pollutants Contaminate Traditional First Nations' Foods: Report (Globe & Mail)
- Pollution and Waste : Mining (Environment Canada)
- Potential Effects of Aggregate Mining on Aquatic Ecosystems
- Potential Effects of Oil Sands on Aquatic Ecosystems
- Tailings Ponds a Toxic Legacy of Alberta's Oil Sands (Toronto Star)
- Video: B.C. Mining's Impact on the Environment (The Vancouver Sun)