British Columbia Ministry of Education Sites
Aboriginal Education
BCTF Sites and Professional Groups
General Educational Sites--Strategies, Resources, Professional Development, etc.
- 21st Century Fluency Project
- Academic Earth
- Curriki
- Edsitement
- Education World
- Edutopia
- eSchool News
- 4Teachers - a number of free Web 2.0 tools to use in the classroom, links to rubrics & other pedagogical tools
- Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
- Games for Educators
- NASA for Educators
- National Science Digital Library
- OER Commons (a "clearinghouse for open education material")
- Open Ed (provides free access to over 250,000 educational videos and games for use in K-12 classrooms)
- Salvadori Center - "...the Salvadori Center introduces teachers to the wonder, beauty, and logic of architecture and engineering, who then share it with their students..." Unit/Lesson plans connecting architecture with Science, Socials, Math, Language Arts & Art available
- Smithsonian Quests
- Teachers' Domain
- TC2-The Critical Thinking Consortium(from BC)
- TeAchnology
- Ted-Ed
- TED Talks
- Top 100 Education Blogs (OEDb)
- Thinkfinity
- UBC Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Resource Finder
- UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools - Lesson plans & resources available re: Children's Rights
- Balanced Copyright (Government of Canada, 2013)
- Copyright Materials and Resources for Educators (Ministry of Education 5Oct2018)
- Copyright Matters! (2012 edition)
- Copyrights (Canadian Intellectual Property Office)
- ERAC Copyright Course for Educators
- ERAC Whitepapers: Copyright Considerations for K-12 (2013)
- Education is a Big Winner in Copyright Changes (Larry Kuehn, BCTF, September, 2012)
- Human Library Organizer Event Application Form (to be followed up by licensing agreement)
Digital Literacy (Including Information Literacy & Media Literacy)
- 21st Century Fluency Project
- Association for Media Literacy (Among other things, provides lessons, handouts, articles and websites.)
- Consortium for Media Literacy
- Media Awareness Network
- Media Literacy Clearinghouse
- - Lesson plans and resources across a wide spectrum of media literacy issues
- National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) This resource hub "has some great ideas that have been submitted by educators." One activity "looks at how you can use magazines as engaging texts to teach both visual and media literacy."
- SOS for Information Literacy --This award-winning site "is a dynamic web-based multimedia resource that includes peer-reviewed lesson plans, handouts, presentations, videos and other resources to enhance the teaching of information literacy."
- Take a Closer Look: Media and Health (Healthy Schools BC) and video This teaching resource which focuses on helping students to be media savvy supports the Planning 10, English and Social Studies curricula.
- 7 Terrific Online Tools to Inspire Your Students
- Canadian Council of Teachers of English
- Education World: Language & Literature Subject Center
- Flows of Reading: Engaging With Texts
- ReadWriteThink (International Reading Association, NCTE)
- Writing with Writers (Scholastic)
Film Studies
Amnesty International USA Film Curriculum Guides - Lesson and unit plans to accompany films such as Born into Brothels, the Kite Runner, Hotel Rwanda and other feature and documentary films dealing with Human Rights- Pacific Cinémathèque - Film Studies Guides and Lesson Plan. These materials must be purchased, but are not expensive.
- NCTM Resources - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (US)
Media--for the Classroom and Professional Development
Check out the streaming videos provided by the province and/or the VSB. Go through the catalogue link from our home page or use this direct link: STREAMING VIDEOS FOR THE CLASSROOM. Login information is available in the Van Tech library.
- The 100 Best Video Sites for Educators
- A&E Canadian Classroom
- Huzzaz (a video collection tool that allows users to make as many thematic collections of videos as they wish and that alos allows sharing and real-time discussions)
- Khan Academy
- National Science Digital Library
- Open Ed (provides free access to over 250,000 educational videos and games for use in K-12 classrooms)
- Pacific Cinematheque-Cinematheque Education Department (provides many lessons, primers, etc. for teachers of media literacy)
- PBS Learning Media
- PBS Teachers
- Snag Learning--Educational Video (over 2,000 educational documentaries for middle school students and up covering almost all major topics addressed in classrooms)
- Teachem (Tool that "allows you to pull You Tube videos into online courses, which can be made public or private." Allows you to create questions and comments that display while the video runs.)
- Teacher Tube
- Teachers' Domain
- Ted-Ed
- TED Talks
- VSB Video (Online Collection)
- Yovisto (Search engine specializing in educational video content)
- Videos for Psychology Teachers
- WatchKnow
Open Content Resources--Free Online Textbooks, etc.
- CK-12 (free digital textbooks written and edited by international experts--includes teacher guides, extension activities, and videos)
- Bioinformatics Activity Bank
- Science - FREE Teaching and Learning Resources From the Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (US)
- Smithsonian Quests
- Latest Research/Developments/Studies
Social Studies
- Centre for Education, Law & Society: Legal Literacy - Lesson/unit plans from SFU's CELS
- BCSSTA: B.C. Social Studies Teachers Association's Resource Center
- History - Government of Canada - games, quizzes, activities & lesson plans
Technology Integration & Web Tools
- A K-12 Primer for British Columbia Teachers Posting Students’ Work Online
- 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You
- Classroom 2.0
- Cool Cat Teacher Blog
- Essential Microsoft Office 2010: Tutorials for Teachers
- Free Technology for Teachers
- Free Technology Tools for Teachers
- Google Apps for Education
- K-12 Educational Technology--Steve Hargadon
- Merging Education & Technology in 21st Century Classrooms and Libraries
- Mind/Shift: How We Learn
- Teach with Your iPad
- Teen Learning 2.0
- WebTools4U2Use
- [Web Tools Collection by Joyce Kasman Valenza]
- Worlds of Learning @ New Milford High School
Fakebook (allows creation of a Facebook-style page without having to use Facebook)
VoicethreadAnimation Tools:
- ABCya Animate
- Aniboom
- Blabberize
- Blender
- Comics Sketch
- CreaToon 3.0
- GoAnimate4Schools
- Kerpoof
- Stop Frame Animator
- Wideo
- Zimmer Twins
- 2EPUB (free tool that allows users to convert PDFs, Word documents, and files in RTF, Text, ODT and HTML format into ePub and Mobi.)
- dotEPUB (allows users to convert the contents of a web page into ePub or Mobi)
- Issuu (service that allows you to convert PDF, Word, Excel and Powerpoint files into online magazines)
- Simple Booklet (allows students to create multimedia ebooks--with text, images, videos and audio files)
- Yudu ( service that allows you to convert PDF, Word, Excel and Powerpoint files into online magazines)