Ms. Edwards's Projects
Foire de Sciences-Liste des sites web
En français:
Radio Canada Article
Google Science Fair en français/anglais
Canada Wide Science Fair (français et anglais)
Youth Science (français et anglais)
Science Vie Junior
Les Débrouillards
En anglais:
Science Bob
Cool Science Fair Projects
Science Buddies
PBS Kids
Neuroscience for kids
Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair Winners
Discovery Education
Science News for Students
Scientific Method
Science Fair Projects
Tree Hugger
Youtube Science Fair Projects
Chemistry Experiments
Chemistry for Kids
How to build a motor
Weather Experiments
Sample Science Fair Ideas
Video on Sample Science Fair Project on Water
En français:
Radio Canada Article
Google Science Fair en français/anglais
Canada Wide Science Fair (français et anglais)
Youth Science (français et anglais)
Science Vie Junior
Les Débrouillards
En anglais:
Science Bob
Cool Science Fair Projects
Science Buddies
PBS Kids
Neuroscience for kids
Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair Winners
Discovery Education
Science News for Students
Scientific Method
Science Fair Projects
Tree Hugger
Youtube Science Fair Projects
Chemistry Experiments
Chemistry for Kids
How to build a motor
Weather Experiments
Sample Science Fair Ideas
Video on Sample Science Fair Project on Water
Tu devras construire ton propre modèle dans l'espace (3 dimensions) afin de mieux retenir sa configuration atomique (la composition de son noyau-protons et neutrons) ainsi que les couches électroniques successives. Voici quelques sites d'internet qui peuvent t'aider à commencer tes recherches: TABLEAU PERIODIQUE DES ELEMENTS Theodore Gray's Photographic Periodic Table Faites un recherche Construire un atome Brainpop Haplosciences Pour une variété de vidéos à propos du sujet, Les Atomes, visiter le site: Access Learning. Ne pas oublier d'écrire 39te pour le nom d'utilisateur et pour le mot de passe, demander à Mme Renzullo ou Mme Edwards. |
Sciences 9-Projet Destination Espace
Comme scientifiques, philosophes et ingénieurs, nous pensons et nous avons décidé que les humains doivent se rendre autre part. Notre ADN doit voyager autre part pour survivre. Nous avons beaucoup d'espoir! Regarde ton affiche avec les détails de ton projet. Ici, Mme Renzullo a résumé les points généraux. 1. Démontre et explique 2 Technologies qui existe déjà qui nous ont aidées à comprendre l'univers et notre système solaire. 2. Invente une nouvelle technologie qui peut transporter ton ADN. 3. Montre où ça existe dans notre univers, galaxie ou système solaire. 4. Décris au moins 3 corps célestes et explique comment tu vas les éviter ou comment tu vas les utiliser pendant tong voyage. 5. Écris une petite légende ou fait un dessin pour décrire ton situation. Des sites web pour commencer...Observer-les pour quelques inspirations. Bon Voyage! VSB Webcat (Il te faut un mot de passe, ne pas oublier) Essayer: World Book, NFB, Science in Context. NASA-Vidéos et Tout! Online Explorations-Play a Game to Discover More Système Solaire DNA Survives Space Flight SPACE TECHNOLOGIES Mars by 2018? Spaceflight Nasa Space Exploration Timeline Canadian Space Agency LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Gizmodo BBC |
Human Biology Disease Project - Bio 12 Ms. Edwards
A disease is a condition of the body or part of it in which functions are disturbed or arranged. Diseases may also be defined as a morphological, physiological, psychological disturbance in the body or body parts. The term disease means DIS-EASE or DISCOMFORT.
Assignment: To research, interview, and create a performance related to a human illness or disease, in groups of 2/3 people.
Library Resources:
1. Non-fiction print materials on many diseases are available on the book trolley. Additional books can be found by
searching under the Catalog tab after you log into our online catalog. Use keywords found in the books (including
the index, etc.) as well as the associated bibliographies, to source additional materials.
2. The VSB databases, available under the Home tab after you log into our online catalog, are another excellent source of
information. Use keywords found in the articles you obtain, as well as the associated bibliographies, to source additional materials. Helpful databases may include:
3. Additional websites that may also assist you include:
4. All sources must be cited on your "Works Cited" page. Use the "all 59 options" tab on the Easybib website, to generate
your citations. The Easybib website and the Purdue Online Writing Lab also provide excellent information on how to
format your research paper and works cited page.
A disease is a condition of the body or part of it in which functions are disturbed or arranged. Diseases may also be defined as a morphological, physiological, psychological disturbance in the body or body parts. The term disease means DIS-EASE or DISCOMFORT.
Assignment: To research, interview, and create a performance related to a human illness or disease, in groups of 2/3 people.
Library Resources:
1. Non-fiction print materials on many diseases are available on the book trolley. Additional books can be found by
searching under the Catalog tab after you log into our online catalog. Use keywords found in the books (including
the index, etc.) as well as the associated bibliographies, to source additional materials.
2. The VSB databases, available under the Home tab after you log into our online catalog, are another excellent source of
information. Use keywords found in the articles you obtain, as well as the associated bibliographies, to source additional materials. Helpful databases may include:
- Canada In Context (Gale)
- Global Issues In Context (Gale)
- Consumer Health Complete (Gale) (Try the "Fact Sheets and Pamphlets" option)
- Science in Context (Gale)
- Virtual Reference Library (Gale)
- World Book Advanced
3. Additional websites that may also assist you include:
- Alzhiemer's Disease
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Daily Plate: Helping You Eat Smarter
- Dietician Services at HealthLink B.C.
- Dieticians of Canada--Your Health
- Government of Canada Diseases and Conditions
- HealthLink BC
- Food Insight--Your Nutrition and Food Safety Resource
- Khan Academy: Disease search
- Medline Plus (U.S. National Library of Medicine)
- MSF Ebola Blog
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- NIDA for Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- TeensHealth
- WHO: Infectious Diseases
4. All sources must be cited on your "Works Cited" page. Use the "all 59 options" tab on the Easybib website, to generate
your citations. The Easybib website and the Purdue Online Writing Lab also provide excellent information on how to
format your research paper and works cited page.
Projet Multimédia sur la Reproduction
Creating a Blog
Creating a Google Site
Des sites suggérés
Glossaire des termes à savoir
VSB Databases (available under the Home tab after you log into our online catalog) -Science in Context, World Book Advanced, Consumer Health Complete (Fact Sheets and Pamphlets)-Demandez à la Bibliothécaire pour le mot de passe, ici vous trouverez tout l'information nécessaire pour commencer votre recherche (en anglais)
Fécondation in-vitro
Les médicaments de fertilité
Les techniques d'ultrason
How Stuff Works
Medline Plus
Clonage reproductif
La thérapie génétique
Types de reproductions asexuelles
Asexual Reproduction in English
Nourriture génétiquement Modifiée
OGM: Source d'information sur les organismes génétiquement modifiés
World Health Organization
Le "Père du Canola"
D’autres renseignements sur les OGM
Notre Planète
L'insémination artificielle et L'injection intra cytoplasmique d'un spermatozoide
Le clonage thérapeutique et les cellules souches
Creating a Google Site
Des sites suggérés
Glossaire des termes à savoir
VSB Databases (available under the Home tab after you log into our online catalog) -Science in Context, World Book Advanced, Consumer Health Complete (Fact Sheets and Pamphlets)-Demandez à la Bibliothécaire pour le mot de passe, ici vous trouverez tout l'information nécessaire pour commencer votre recherche (en anglais)
Fécondation in-vitro
Les médicaments de fertilité
Les techniques d'ultrason
How Stuff Works
Medline Plus
Clonage reproductif
La thérapie génétique
Types de reproductions asexuelles
Asexual Reproduction in English
Nourriture génétiquement Modifiée
OGM: Source d'information sur les organismes génétiquement modifiés
World Health Organization
Le "Père du Canola"
D’autres renseignements sur les OGM
Notre Planète
L'insémination artificielle et L'injection intra cytoplasmique d'un spermatozoide
Le clonage thérapeutique et les cellules souches

Try the following sites for interesting information on volcanoes, earthquakes and plate tectonics:
Supervolcanoes (BBC--includes video clips)
All sources must be cited on your "Works Cited" page. Use the "all 59 options" tab on the Easybib website, to generate your citations.
Supervolcanoes (BBC--includes video clips)
- Volcanoes (BBC--includes video clips)
- Earthquakes (BBC--includes video clips)
- Plate Tectonics (BBC--includes video clips)
- Supervolcano: Yellowstone's Fury (from CBC's Doc Zone--includes video)
- If the Yellowstone Volcano Ever Blew its Top: This New Study Shows Us What to Expect
- Mystery of the Megavolcano (NOVA-includes video)
- Earthquakes 101 (National Geographic Video)
- Top 10 Volcanic Eruptions (Popular Science Magazine)
- Explaining Surprise Eruption of Japan Volcano Where Dozens Are Presumed Dead (National Geographic Magazine)
- Mount St. Helens (BBC)
- Disaster!: The Most Destructive Volcanic Eruptions in History (Discover Magazine)
- Volcano World (Oregon State University)
- Global Volcanism Program (Smithsonian Institution
- Volcano Live
- Shake Rattle and Slide (The University of Illinois Extension)
- Earthquakes Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
- Earthquakes for Kids (U.S. Geological Survey)
- 5 Biggest Earthquakes to Hit B.C. (CBC News)
- Watch: Remembering the 1964 Port Alberni Tsunami
- CBC News (Use the search box on the top right-hand side of the screen to find news stories on volcanoes and earthquakes.)
All sources must be cited on your "Works Cited" page. Use the "all 59 options" tab on the Easybib website, to generate your citations.

AP Biology--Pathogens
All sources must be cited on your "Works Cited" page. Use the "all 59 options" tab on the Easybib website, to generate your citations.
All sources must be cited on your "Works Cited" page. Use the "all 59 options" tab on the Easybib website, to generate your citations.
- Books on many pathogens (e.g. ebola, syphilis) can be found in Webcat, the library's online catalogue.
- ASM Microbe Library (American Society for Microbiology)
- EOL: Encyclopedia of Life
- Diseases and Conditions (CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Medline Plus (provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine)
- National Science Digital Library
- The Scientist
- WHO--World Health Organization (great for statistical information)
Biology 12--Genetic Engineering--Transgenic Animals and Plants

As an introduction, watch the "Mechanism of Recombination" video.
Use the BOOKS provided. Additional books can be found by searching under the Catalog tab after you log into our online catalog. Use keywords found in the books (including the index, etc.) as well as the associated bibliographies, to source additional materials.
DATABASES (available under the Home tab after you log into our online catalog) :
- EBSCO and ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER will be particularly useful. GREENFILE will have a great deal of information on the advantages and disadvantages of various transgenic animals and plants. Check out GLOBAL ISSUES IN CONTEXT as well.
- Khan Academy: Biotechnology
- National Science Digital Library
- Scitable
- Sweet Search
- The Scientist
- UBC Michael Smith Laboratories (investigating molecular genetics)
Style and Documentation
- All sources must be cited on your "Works Cited" page. Use the "all 59 options" tab on the Easybib website, to generate your citations. The Easybib website and the Purdue Online Writing Lab also provide excellent information on how to format your research paper and works cited page.
Science 10--Science in the News Article Summary

Science News Resources
In the library, we have several hard copy magazines that we subscribe to:
You can take out back issues of these magazines or photocopy an article from the current issue.
There are many reliable (i.e. from a respected organization, have bibliographies or are written by know science journalists) online sources of scientific news as well. The following websites would also work well for this project.
Science News Resources
In the library, we have several hard copy magazines that we subscribe to:
- Discover Magazine
- E - The Environmental Magazine
- Popular Science
- Science News
You can take out back issues of these magazines or photocopy an article from the current issue.
There are many reliable (i.e. from a respected organization, have bibliographies or are written by know science journalists) online sources of scientific news as well. The following websites would also work well for this project.
- BBC News - Science & Environment
- Daily Space and Tech News from National Geographic - Space News
- - PhysOrg provides the latest news and information in the areas of science, physics, technology, nanotechnology, earth science, electronic devices, and medicine. Higher reading level.
- Science/AASS News - General Science. This online news digest features daily news from ScienceNOW and weekly news articles and features from Science magazine. The site provides free access to daily news articles less than four weeks old; accessing other news content requires a membership or subscription. Articles are searchable by keyword or term.
- Science News - General Science. Online version of the magazine
- Science News from the Guardian Newspaper - General Science.
- Science News for Kids - General Science. Published by the same organization who publishes Science News. Articles are written for students and provide vocabulary at the end.
- The Scientist - Online version of the magazine whose focus is the Life Sciences
(adapted with permission from Chemistry Newsflash : The Drive to Enquire. What's New? by M. Ekdahl, Learning Commons, John Oliver Secondary)

DNA Repair. Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
DATABASES (available under the Home tab after you log into our online catalog) :
- To create your video presentation you can use any software on your home or school computers (such as Movie Maker which is on the computers in the library lab.
- You can also used Web-based tools such as Screencast-O-Matic (which allows you to create a screencast and save it in MP4 format) or other presentation software such as MovieMaker. Please do not use a tool that requires you to provide personal information or post your work online. Webcams and microphones are available for in-house library use.) SAMPLE PRESENTATION 1 and SAMPLE PRESENTATION 2 by Chemistry 12 students from J.O. Secondary.
- Easy Bib
- "Works Cited" Guidelines
DATABASES (available under the Home tab after you log into our online catalog) :
- Academic Search Premier
- Student Research Center
- Greenfile
- Consumer Health Complete
- Use the limiters or advanced search functions to narrow your search to articles that were published in the last two years. These functions can also be used to find peer reviewed articles, magazine articles (i.e. not peer reviewed journal articles), full-text articles, etc.
- Use advanced search techniques such as:
- truncation (*) [e.g. gene* will find the words gene, genes, genetic, genetics, genetically, etc.]
- quotation marks for words that must always occur together, e.g. "Huntington's disease"
- brackets containing key words separated by "or"allow you to search using a wide range of synonyms or related terms e.g. (ocean* or aquat* or sea* or marine)
Science 10--Human Impact on Ecosystems Project

TOOLS All sources must be cited on your "Works Cited" page. Use the "all 59 options" tab on the Easybib website, to generate your citations. The Easybib website and the Purdue Online Writing Lab also provide excellent information on how to format your research paper and works cited page.
[pollut* "british columbia"]
["endangered species" "british columbia"]
["climate change" "british columbia"]
- World Book Online (Search for: AGRICULTURE, AUTOMOBILE, FORESTS, DEFORESTATION, FISHING INDUSTRY, etc. Each of these articles has a section on environmental impacts.)
- Global Issues in Context (For a long list of topics, click on the "Environment" category on the home page. You can also search for the articles on specific topics, e.g. DEFORESTATION. Another useful strategy is to search for more general topics such as AGRICULTURE or FORESTS and use the sidebars to find information on environmental impacts.)
- Greenfile (search for local issues, e.g. ["BRITISH COLUMBIA" ENVIRONMENT*]
- EBSCOHost (Database of magazine and newspaper articles. Look here for examples of human impact on the B.C. environment. Some possible searches:
[pollut* "british columbia"]
["endangered species" "british columbia"]
["climate change" "british columbia"]
- B.C.'s Greenhouse Gas Emissions (LiveSmart BC)
- Biodiversity in British Columbia (The Nature Trust of British Columbia)
- British Columbia Environmental Network
- British Columbia's Coast Region Species and Ecosystems of Conservation Concern (U.B.C. Department of Geography)
- British Columbia's Greenhouse Gas Emissions (B.C. Ministry of the Environment)
- Climate Education (LiveSmart BC)
- Ecosystems and Wildlife (Climate Institute)
- Ecosystems Branch (British Columbia Ministry of the Environment)
- Effects of Climate Change (LiveSmart BC)
- Environment Canada
- Human Activity and the Environment (Statistics Canada)
- Human Impact (National Geographic Eye in the Sky)
- Major Impacts to Biodiversity in British Columbia (Excluding Climate Change)
- Ministry of the Environment (Province of British Columbia)
- Sierra Club of Canada, B.C. Chapter
- State of the Environment (British Columbia, Ministry of the Environment)
- Sweetsearch (Search engine that provides reliable results. A search such as "human impact environment" is very helpful.)
- The Tyee
- United Nations Environment Programme
- The Vancouver Province and The Vancouver Sun (Available under the Home tab after you log into our online catalog). You can access the full online versions of these newspapers and search for articles from back issues, . The site also allows you to search a large number of additional Canadian newspapers. You must enter the website through The Province portal. Ask in the library for the special ID and password.)
- West Coast Environmental Law
- Agricultural Land Commission
- Agriculture (Green Party of B.C.)
- Agriculture Leaders Aim to Mend Fences with Environmentalists (Vancouver Sun article, Oct 2012)
- Environmental Farm Plan Program (B.C. Agriculture Council)
- Sustainable Agriculture Management Branch (B.C. Ministry of Agriculture)
- What is Climate Change and How Will it Impact B.C. Agriculture?
- Working Lands: Agriculture in British Columbia (West Coast Environmental Law)
- B.C. Air Quality: Air Quality and Climate Change (Province of British Columbia)
- B.C. Air Quality : Transportation Emissions (Province of British Columbia)
- British Columbia's Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report (B.C. Ministry of the Environment)
- Fraser Valley Smog (Environment Canada)
- [Effects of Air Pollution in the Fraser Valley]
- How We Contribute to Air Pollution and Climate Change (Province of British Columbia)
- Environmental Impacts of Tourism (United Nations)
- The Icarus Foundation
- International Ecotourism Society
- Canada's Wild Fisheries (David Suzuki Organization)
- Census of Marine Life
- General Situation of World Fish Stocks (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)
- Global Map of Human Impact on Marine Ecosystems
- Oceans (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council
- Seafood and Oceans (Sierra Club, British Columbia)
- The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture--2012 (Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- World Fish Stocks Disappearing Faster than Feared (Science Magazine, Oct 28, 2012)
- World Fisheries Trust
- Deforestation (Living Landscapes, Royal BC Museum)
- Deforestation (WWF Global)
- Deforestation in Canada : What are the Facts? (Natural Resources Canada)
- Forest Impacts (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Forests and Wilderness (Sierra Club, British Columbia)
- Mining & Energy (Sierra Club B.C.)
- Mining & Energy Publications (Sierra Club B.C.)
- Mining in British Columbia
- Mining Watch Canada (Also check out the British Columbia section of this site.)
- Pollution and Waste : Mining (Environment Canada)
- Video: B.C. Mining's Impact on the Environment (The Vancouver Sun)