Ms. Gordy's Projects

Big Power in Canada--Social Studies 10
- Energy (Canadian Geographic)
- World Book Encyclopedia (Provides information on the advantages and disadvantages of each type of energy. Van Tech ID and PW are required.)
- Energy (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- Energy Mix Library (Energy IQ--Canadian Geographic)
- Canadian Energy Overview 2012--Energy Briefing Note (National Energy Board)
- Energy Markets Factbook 2013-1014 (National Resources Canada)
- Energy Reports (National Energy Board)
- Review of Issues Affecting the Price of Crude Oil (Natural Resources Canada)
- Canadian Geographic Atlas
- Energy (energy maps from the Atlas of Canada, by Natural Resources Canada)
- Energy (Statistics Canada)
- Energy Facts and Statistics--Map and Energy Facts and Statistics(This site includes an interative map for both Canada and each of the provinces and territories. The site and map were published by the Centre for Energy, an energy-industry-sponsored site)
- Energy IQ Map (Canadian Geographic)
- Crude Oil and Petroleum Products, National Energy Board (contains information on the pricing of Canadian crude oil)
- Spanish town goes green by turning sewage into clean energy (Reuters, 2013)
- Scientist given €1million to build UK's first plant for turning human waste into 'biocoal' (Mail Online, January 26, 2014)
- Neighbourhood Energy Strategy--City of Vancouver and Southeast False Creek Neighbourhood Energy Utility
- Scientists use 'wired microbes' to generate electricity from sewage
- Waste heat - How Vancouver mined its sewage to heat an entire neighbourhood

Canada: Visions of our Land
Regions of Canada
History & Settlement of Canada
Images of Canada--Photographic
Images of Canada--Artistic (These are suggestions; the list is by no means complete!)
Literary Depictions of the Canadian Landscape
Musical Depictions of the Canadian Landscape
Regions of Canada
- Atlas of Canada
- Canada's Regions (Citizenship and Immigration Canada)
- Canadian Atlas Online
- Physiographic Regions (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- [The Regions] (The Canadian Atlas Online)
- Official tourism sites for Canada and also for each of the provinces--good sources for pictures, information about transportation, etc. (British Columbia, Alberta (also, Saskatchewan (also Saskatchewan-- provincial government site), Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon
- Statistics Canada
History & Settlement of Canada
- Historical Atlas of Canada Online
- Canadian Atlas Online
- Immigration (Library & Archives of Canada)
Images of Canada--Photographic
- Eamon McMahon (photographs of Canadian landscapes)
- Framing Canada: a Photographic Memory (Library and Archives Canada)
- Google Earth (Look at the "Tour Guide" photographs at the bottom of the screen as you zero in on regions of Canada.) Note: You will be asked to log in when using school computers--ask a teacher for help.
- Images Canada
- Ned Pratt
- Parks Canada -National Parks System Plan
Images of Canada--Artistic (These are suggestions; the list is by no means complete!)
- Aboriginal Art of Canada (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- Aboriginal Artists in Canada
- Allan Sapp (Prairies)
- Alex Cameron (Beaux-Xi Gallery) (Ontario)
- Alex Colville (Nova Scotia)
- Anthony Hobbs (Quebec)
- Art of this Land (National Gallery of Canada)
- Atlantic Scene (National Gallery of Canada)
- Contemporary Canadian Art in Canada (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- Cori Creed (British Columbia)
- David Blackwood (Newfoundland)
- Douglas Coupland
- Drew Burnham (Britisih Columbia)
- E.J. Hughes (British Columbia) and E.J. Hughes
- Emily Carr (British Columbia) (Vancouver Art Gallery)
- Gordon A. Smith (British Columbia)
- Gregory Hardy (prairies)
- Jack Shadbolt (British Columbia)
- Jean Gavreau (Quebec)
- Jean Paul Lemieux (Quebec)
- John Hartman (various Canadian landscapes, including Georgian Bay and Nova Scotia)
- Maud Lewis (Nova Scotia) and Maud Lewis (Pinterest)
- McMichael Canadian Art Collection (includes the Group of Seven, who painted many images of the Canadian Shield, as well as western and northern Canada)
- Regina Five (Prairies)
- Ron Bolt
- Shi Le (Ontario)
- Shuvinai Ashoona (Arctic)
- Toni Onley (British Columbia)
- Ulluriat (Inuit Art) (National Gallery of Canada)
Literary Depictions of the Canadian Landscape
- Use the books on the trolley.
Musical Depictions of the Canadian Landscape
- At the Hundredth Meridian (The Tragically Hip)
- Encyclopedia of Music in Canada
- Gordon Lightfoot
- The Rankin Family (Atlantic Canada)
- Rita MacNeil (Nova Scotia)
- Songs of the Provinces and Territories
- Stan Rogers
One World (Geography 12)

General Resources:
Canadian Points of View
Vancouver Sun, The Province, The Tyee newspapers
BBC - Science and Environment
Sweet Search
Some Useful Sites and Databases--by Topic
Energizing the World: from Poop to Power?
Too Cute to Die?
- The reserved books on the trolley have information on most of the topics
- Van Tech Databases: (N.B.: Use truncation, synonyms & subject headings) e. g. (cosmetic* or beauty product*) and (health or environment*) Be sure also to limit by publication year.
Canadian Points of View
Vancouver Sun, The Province, The Tyee newspapers
- Works cited (Bibliography)
- General Web Sites
BBC - Science and Environment
Sweet Search
Some Useful Sites and Databases--by Topic
Energizing the World: from Poop to Power?
- Search for articles in databases such as EBSCO or Greenfile e.g. [sewage biogass] or [(urine or pee) power] or [urine batter*]
- Biogas (Alternative Fuels Data Center, U.S. Department of Energy)
- Neighbourhood Energy Utility (City of Vancouver) - Project under the Cambie St. bridge using sewage waste heat recovery technology
- Paying Waste: Sewage Contains More Usable Energy than Scientists Thought (Scientific American)
- Ten Ways to Put Human Waste to Use (Engineering for Change)
- Search for articles on the conservation of sharks and shark fin soup in the databases above. Especially useful articles will be found in EBSCO and Greenfile.
- China's Fishmongers Lament Waning Popularity of Shark Fin Soup (The Guardian)
- Sharkfinning (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)
- Sharks (
- The library has many books on this subject. Look under "waste" in Webcat
- Look for articles in the databases mentioned above. In EBSCO or Greenfile, you could search for topics such as ["waste management" canada] or [waste crisis]. If you get too many articles that are hard to read, click on "magazines" under "Source Types" in the left-hand column.
- Municipal Waste Generation (Conference Board of Canada)This site shows how much waste Canadians generate and compares Canada with other countries.
- Municipal Solid Waste (Environment Canada)
- Integrated Solid Waste and Resource Management Plan (Metro Vancouver (GVRD))
- Round Table: Eliminating Vancouver's Waste (BC Business)
- Green Cleaning Recipes (David Suzuki Foundation)
- For information on the effectiveness of "green" products see 10 Worst Household Products for Greenwashing (CBC News) and watch "Lousy Labels: Home Edition" on CBC's Marketplace
- Search in databases such as EBSCO and Greenfile for articles on "green" cleaning products. Try searching for ["green marketing"] or ["green products"].
Too Cute to Die?
- Biodiversity - The new Noah's Ark: Beautiful Animals only please!
- Search in EBSCO or Greenfile e.g. ["endangered species" cute*]
- Look in databases such as EBSCO and Greenfile e.g. search for [cosmetics environment*]
- Sustainable shopper's guide: 12 ingredients to avoid in your cosmetics (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Look in the databases such as EBSCO and Greenfile with searches such as [plastic ocean* pollut*]
- A Brief History of Plastic's Conquest of the World - a long excerpt from the book "Plastic: a Toxic Love Story" by Susan Freinkel. Excellent information.
- Deborah Bassett: Breaking the Plastic Addiction: TEDx Great Pacific Garbage Patch - information and useful links about plastic pollution and possible solutions.
Canadian Inventions and Inventors
- [Articles on Inventions and Inventors in the Canadian Encyclopedia]
- Canadian Innovations (Canada Post)
- Canadian Inventions
- Canadian Sound Inventions (Canadian Geographic)
- Century of Innovation, A (inventions produced in federal government research labs)
- Cool Canada (Library and Archives Canada)
- Inventions and Devices (The Canadian Encyclopedia--to do with 19th century musical instruments)
- Inventions from the Great White North (Canada Business Review)
- [Inventions from the National Research Council of Canada]
- Inventors and Innovations (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- Made in Canada: Patents of Invention and the Story of Canadian Innovation (Library and Archives Canada)
Global Perspectives on Sustainability--Geography 12

Shrinking Aral Sea (NASA)
Print Sources:
The library has dozens of books about sustainability. Do a KEYWORD search in WEBCAT for terms such as SUSTAINAB* or ECOSYSTEM*
Online Sources:
The library has dozens of books about sustainability. Do a KEYWORD search in WEBCAT for terms such as SUSTAINAB* or ECOSYSTEM*
Online Sources:
- Priz Pictet: The Global Award in Photography and Sustainability
- What Does Sustainability Look Like? Photos from Around the World (Tree Hugger)
- Information and pictures are available in DATABASES such as EBSCOHost, GREENFILE, and GLOBAL ISSUES IN CONTEXT
Government Project--Social Studies 11

Print resources--books about many of these topics have been placed on the trolley for you to use.
Online resources and databases are going to be a major source of information. The following will be most useful:
Dispensing Justice
Online resources and databases are going to be a major source of information. The following will be most useful:
- The Canadian Encyclopedia
- Canadian Points of View
- Biography in Context
- Global Issues in Context (for articles about other parts of the world, e.g. human rights defenders and civil disobedience)
- CBC (use the search box to find articles on most topics)
Dispensing Justice
- Look in Canadian Points of View under [DE "JUDGES--Selection & Appointment"]
- Look in Canadian Points of View under [parole board and canad*]
- Look in the Canadian Encyclopedia under the name of a specific scandal, e.g. Sponsorship Scandal
- Search under [ political ethics] in Canadian Points of View. (This will lead you to excellent articles on Canadian politicians and unethical behavior.)
- Search for specific scandals, e.g. [Sponsorship scandal] or [Pacific scandal]in the Canadian Points of View database
- Top Ten Scandals in Canadian Political History (CBC News)--Note: only 2005 and earlier
- List of Canadian Political Scandals (Wikipedia)
- Harper to Address Tory Caucus Amid Senate Scandal (May 21, 2013)
- Search for topics such as [prison reform] or [parole and Canada] or [youth and justice]in the Canadian Points of View Database--a wealth of information
- Rehabilitate or punish? (American Psychological Association)
- Punishment Versus Rehabilitation (CBC)
- Tory Plans for U.S. Style Prisons Slammed in Report (CBC, 2009)
- Prison Reform (National Post)
- John Howard Society of Canada (The "Resources" tab is partcularly useful.)
- Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies
- Aboriginal Report Finds Systemic Discrimination
- Government of Canada. Office of the Correctional Investigator
- Correctional Service of Canada
- CCPHE--The Collaborating Centre for Prison Health and Education
- ICPS: International Centre for Prison Studies
- What Worries Critics About Omnibus Crime Bill
- Life in Prison Nasty, Brutish and Long, Says Ombudsman
- Search for [police power* and Canad*] in the Canadian Points of View database
- Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
- Facts About Stun-Guns and Their Use in Canada
- Police Oversight in Canada and Around the World (links)
- Police Powers and Drug-Related Offenses (Prepared by the Library of Parliament)
- PARLINFO (Information about current members of parliament and senators)
- Search for [trust and politicians], [popularity and politicians] in Canadian Points of View
- Search for [politicians mistrust], [politicians popularity],[DE "POLITICIANS" trust], ["political participation" trust]etc. on EBSCOHost
- Look at the books on the Trudeau family on the trolley
- Search for Pierre Trudeau in The Canadian Encyclopedia
- Look under [Justin Trudeau], [Justin Trudeau and popular*]. [Trudeaumania] etc. in Canadian Points of View
- Search for family members (e.g. Pierre Trudeau, Justin Trudeau, Margaret Trudeau, etc.) in Biography in Context
- Search for "Justin Trudeau" on the CBC News site.
- PLEA--Civil Disobedience
- Clicklaw (search for "civil disobedience")
- search for [senate reform and canad*], [senate and scandal* and canad*] Canadian Points of View
- Senators (PARLINFO)
- Indemnities, Salaries and Allowances--Senators (PARLINFO)
- Use the many books (on trolley) on women's suffrage in Canada and on the history of Canadian women
- Look under [Women's Suffrage] in the Canadian Encyclopedia
- search for [women and canad* and politic*] in Canadian Points of View
- For recent information, see Equal Voice
- Search for articles on these individuals in the following databases: Biography in Context, EBSCO and Global Issues in Context
- Note that the library has books on many defenders of human rights--see books provided.
Landforms and Landscapes (The Lithosphere: External Forces)--Geography 12

Use the books provided. You might find some of the following sites helpful:
- Geomorphology (U.S. Geological Survey)
- Images Illustrating Principles of Geomorphology (Vanderbilt University)
- Physical
- Visualizations Related to Geomorphology
The Lithosphere (Geography 12)

General Resources:
Global Issues in Context
Canadian Points of View
Vancouver Sun, The Province, The Tyee newspapers
Sweet Search
Search for recent information about these pipelines in the DATABASES listed above. For information about how oil is converted into fuel see the PETROLEUM article in World Book Online.
- The reserved books on the trolley contain a wealth of information on most topics
- Van Tech Digital Library: (N.B. Use truncation, synonyms & subject headings)
Global Issues in Context
Canadian Points of View
Vancouver Sun, The Province, The Tyee newspapers
- Works Cited (Bibliography)
- General Web Sites:
Sweet Search
- Web Sites & Pages on Specific Topics
Search for recent information about these pipelines in the DATABASES listed above. For information about how oil is converted into fuel see the PETROLEUM article in World Book Online.
- CBC News (Search for recent articles on Northern Gateway, Keystone XL, etc.)
- Climate Concerns are Key to Keystone XL Pipeline Debate (Pembina Institute)
- Keystone XL Pipeline Project (site created by TransCanada, the company planning to build the Keystone XL pipeline)
- Northern Gateway Pipeline: Benefits vs. Concerns (CBC News)
- Titanic Clash Looms Over Northern Gateway Pipeline
- The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline: Do British Columbians Stand to Gain (West Coast Environmental Law)
- Alberta Lakes Show Chemical Effects of Oil Sands, Study Finds (CBC, January, 2013)
- The Alberta Oil Sands and Climate (by University of Victoria Professor Andrew Weaver)
- Alberta's Oil Sands (site by the Government of Alberta)
- How Oil is Extracted from Alberta's Oil Sands (Seattle Times--detailed animation)
- Indigenous Groups Lead Struggle Against Canada's Tar Sands (Democracy Now!)
- Oilsands (Pembina Institute)
- Overview of the Alberta Oil Sands (University of Texas)
- Rare Earth Metals: Parliament UK (Background paper on rare earth metals written to inform members of the UK parliament.)
- The Battle Over Rare Earth Metals (Journal of Energy Security)
- China's Rare Earth Elements Industry: What Can the West Learn? (Institute for the Analysis of Global Security)
- [See the "Precious Holdings" article in the Feb. 18/2013 issue of Time Magazine in the EBSCO database. A search for "rare earth*" will also yield many other useful articles.]
- Earthquake Preparedness (Emergency Management BC)
- Earthquake Information (Emergency Management BC)
- BC and the Big One (Macleans Magazine)
- Decade Volcanoes (US Geological Survey)
- The global distribution of human population and recent volcanism
- A List of Benefits from Volcanism (US Geological Survey)
- Minerals and Conflict
- The Cost of War: How Gadgets Fuel Conflict in the Congo
- Blood in the Mobile
- Congo War and the Role of Coltan (ICE: the Inventory of Conflict & Environment produced at the American University, Washington, DC)
- Conflict Minerals (Stanford University)
- Conflict Minerals (Global Witness)
- Why the Salt Miners of Uganda's Lakes are Dying for a Deal on Climate Change (The Guardian)
- The Salt Miners of Lake Katwe in Uganda (The Guardian)
- Salt Miners of Ada (NYU Journalism in Ghana)
- Salt Production (World Food Organization)
Use WEBCAT (the library's catalogue) to find books on your topic.
Van Tech Databases and Websites: (N.B.: Use truncation, synonyms & subject headings) e. g. (cosmetic* or beauty product*) and (health or environment*) Be sure also to limit by publication year.
Use WEBCAT (the library's catalogue) to find books on your topic.
Van Tech Databases and Websites: (N.B.: Use truncation, synonyms & subject headings) e. g. (cosmetic* or beauty product*) and (health or environment*) Be sure also to limit by publication year.
- Canadian Reference Centre (Use this to find articles on all topics about Canada. Go to "Advanced" search and tick the box titled "Sources Published in Canada" at the bottom of the screen.)
- CPI.Q Canadian Periodical Index
- Canadian Encyclopedia (Use this source to find background information on topics such as the death penalty.)
- EBSCOHost, Masterfile Premier (Use for articles not specifically about Canada.)
- Greenfile
- The Tyee (B.C. online newspaper--good for local/B.C. issues)
- CBC News
- The Vancouver Sun/Province (login details available in the library)
- EasyBib (Your list of works cited (bibliography) must include a minimum of 3 reliable sources, including at least 1 newspaper, journal or magazine article from the library's databases, such as Canadian Reference Centre, CPI.Q, EBSCOHost, Masterfile Premier, etc.)
Roundtable Discussion on Climate Change--Geography 12
Databases--The following databases in Van Tech's Digital Library contain a great deal of reliable information on climate change--both on the science, the debate, the meetings, the Canadian context and other related issues. ID and password information is available in the library:
General Sites:
Computer Says So...
Note that many of the "general" sites above contain a great deal of information on climate change models.
For excellent overviews of the Canadian points of view on the Kyoto Protocol and climate change, look under "Kyoto Protocol" and "climate change" in the Canadian Points of View database
Search for "carbon tax", "cap and trade" and "carbon sequestration" in these databases: Canadian Points of View, EBSCOHost, Global Issues in Context and Greenfile. The following sites will also be useful:
The following books (on the book cart) contain excellent information on the history of climate change:
The Weathermakers by Tim Flannery; Climate: Causes and Effects of Climate Change by Dana Desonie.
Make sure you look at the Canadian Points of View database (Search for "Climate Change")
Look under "Arctic" "Arctic Sovereignty" and "Arctic Drilling" in the Canadian Points of View database.
- Global Issues in Context
- Canadian Points of View (A search for "Global Warming" outlines how climate change is affecting Canada and the arguments that support a variety of points of view on this topic.)
- World Book Online
- EBSCO Databases (thousands of magazine, journal and newspaper articles)
- Greenfile
General Sites:
- United Nations Environment Program (Covers strategies to address climate change based on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and the Kyoto Protocol)
- Real Climate : Climate Science from Climate Scientists
- Earthlab: Degrees of Change (Koshland Science Museum)
- Climate Change 101 Series (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions)
- Climate Change Science (EPA)
- Gateway to the United Nations Systems Work on Climate Change
- Climate Ark (A search engine intended to direct users to climate change related sites. The search engine does not contain very good filters, so some searches might direct users to sites which have very little to do with climate change.
- Climate Change (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Climate Change (Encyclopedia Britannica)
- Climate Change (National Geographic)
- NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (This website observes a broad study of global change that looks at both natural and man-made changes in the environment.)
- Worldwatch Institute (This website has a very good search engine which produces articles on coal related issues.)
- CBC (Searches provide a great deal of information about Canada and climate change.) Check out the CBC's special Climate Change page
- BBC (Searches yield a wide array of information on climate change.)
- Western Climate Initiative (This website outlines how the partners along the West coast of North America are joining together in an effort to combat climate change.)
- World Climate Research Program
Computer Says So...
Note that many of the "general" sites above contain a great deal of information on climate change models.
- Modeling (Koshland Science Museum)
- Climate Models and Scenarios (EPA)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (This website provides a variety of information concerning the social, economic and scientific issues surrounding climate change. This site is a little difficult to navigate, though.)
- Models : Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis (Environment Canada)
- Global Climate Change Indicators (NOAA)
- Myth: Climate change models cannot forecast the future of the Earth's climate. (Canadian Wildlife Federation)
- Climate Prediction Center (A site that provides climate change predictions. However, the majority of the information pertains only to the U.S.)
- The Debaters: (Al Gore, David Suzuki, Bjorn Lomborg, Tim Ball, Madhav Khandekar)
For excellent overviews of the Canadian points of view on the Kyoto Protocol and climate change, look under "Kyoto Protocol" and "climate change" in the Canadian Points of View database
- Earth Summit 1992
- Kyoto Protocol (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change), What is the Kyoto Treaty? (BBC), BBC News Stories on the Kyoto Protocol, Dec 2012, UN Climate Talks Extend Kyoto Protocol (BBC News, Dec 9, 2012)
- Bali Climate Change Conference December 2007 (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)
- Copenhagen Climate Change Conference December 2009 (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)
- Durban Climate Change Conference November 2011 (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)
- China's Climate Concession Won't Move Canada on Kyoto (CBC report on Canada's activities at the 2011 Durban conference)
- Doha Climate Change Conference, November 2012
Search for "carbon tax", "cap and trade" and "carbon sequestration" in these databases: Canadian Points of View, EBSCOHost, Global Issues in Context and Greenfile. The following sites will also be useful:
- Purchasing Carbon Offsets: A Guide for Canadian Consumers, Businesses, and Organizations (David Suzuki Foundation)
- CORE : Carbon Offset Research & Education (This website analyzes the most current offset programs and activities.)
- Turning the Corner: Canada's Offset System for Greenhouse Gases (Environment Canada)
- Carbon Tax Center (Written by a group that believes that carbon offsets are a vital tool in the fight against global warming.)
- Carbon Tax (Pros and Cons--from the Australian Parliamentary Library)
The following books (on the book cart) contain excellent information on the history of climate change:
The Weathermakers by Tim Flannery; Climate: Causes and Effects of Climate Change by Dana Desonie.
- Climate Change : How Do We Know? (NASA)
- Global Surface Temperature Anomalies (NOAA)
- NOAA Paleoclimatology
- Probing the History of Climate Change (How Stuff Works)
- Trends (Koshland Science Museum)
- Carbon Sequestration in Protected Areas of Canada: an Economic Valuation (Parks Canada--a research report focused on carbon sequestration)
- NETL (a website that provides information on the type of carbon sequestration programs that are being funded by the US government)
- How Easy is it to Nab Greenhouse Gases at the Smokestack? (Article on carbon sequestration from the CBC)
- Why B.C. Isn't Rushing to 'Cap and Trade' Carbon (The Tyee, 28 November 2011)
- Environmental Protection Agency (This U.S. agency has a great deal of information on that country's approach to carbon taxes, cap and trade, and carbon sequestration.)
- Climate Change: Participating in Cap and Trade (Ontario, Ministry of the Environment)
- Canada's Action on Climate Change: Cap and Trade (Government of Canada)
- Canada's Action on Climate Change (Government of Canada)
- How Easy is it to Nab Greenhouse Gases at the Smokestack? (CBC News)
- Natural Resources Canada (Use the "Search" function to see how the government is supporting such options as carbon capture/sequestration.)
Make sure you look at the Canadian Points of View database (Search for "Climate Change")
- Atlas of Canada: Climate Change
- Climate Action Network Canada (Presents the collective position of "a coalition of more than 65 environmental, faith, labour, international development, aboriginal, health, and youth organizations." This group also publishes Canada's Climate Change Calendar.
- Climate Prosperity (Canadian Geographic)
- Impacts of Climate Change in North America--Canada (Climate Institute)--a very useful site that provides links to important documents that outline the impact of climate change in Canada
- Canada's Action on Climate Change (This website provides information regarding the effects of climate change and ways in which the Government of Canada plans to react. It also contains links to many in depth reports.)
- Effects of Climate Change (LiveSmart BC)
- How Will Climate Change Impact Canada? (Canadian Wildlife Federation)
- Environment: Urban Sulphur Dioxide Concentrations (Conference Board of Canada, 2011)
- Environment: Urban Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations (Conference Board of Canada, 2011)
- The Air We Breathe: the Polluters, the Targets and How Canada Ranks (CBC) Provides many details about sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, the sources of this type of pollution, and what Canada is doing about these gases.
- Sulphur Dioxide (Environment Canada)
- Nitrogen Dioxide (Environment Canada)
- CO2 Science (a site that attempts to determine the truth concerning the carbon dioxide and global change)
- Air Quality and Health Fact Sheet (World Health Organization)
- Air Pollution (Medline Plus)
- Nitrogen Dioxide (U.S. --Environmental Protection Agency)
- Sulphur Dioxide Emissions (U.S. --Environmental Protection Agency)
- Nitrogen Oxides Emissions (U.S. --Environmental Protection Agency)
Look under "Arctic" "Arctic Sovereignty" and "Arctic Drilling" in the Canadian Points of View database.
- Arctic Meltdown: a Changing World (Watch this CBC video.)
- Arctic Sea Ice (CBC video from August 2012)
- Canada's Arctic Foreign Policy Pamphlet
- Canada and the Circumpolar World (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada)
- Sovereignty Issues Loom as Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks (CBC News)
- Statement on Canada's Arctic Foreign Policy: Exercising Sovereignty and Promoting Canada's Northern Strategy Abroad (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada)

Use EASYBIB for your list of works cited (bibliography)
- Set up your list of works cited in exactly the same format as on the last page of this sample paper: EXAMPLE
Food Factory
- Agriculture (Stats Canada)
- Agriculture and Food (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- Provincial and Territorial Legislation Concerning Farm Animal Welfare
- Humane Handling and Slaughter of Food Animals in Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency)
- Realities of Farming in Canada (Canadian Federation of Humane Societies)
- Animal Welfare in Canada (Beyond Factory Farming)
- Canada's Rules for Organic Food (CBC News)
- Organic Products Regulations
- Farm Animal Welfare Certification
- The Dark Side of Free Range Chickens (Globe and Mail)
- Choose Eggs from Happy Chickens (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Are Organic Foods Better for My Health? (Dieticians of Canada)
- Agriculture (Stats Canada)
- Agriculture and Food (The Canadian Encyclopedia)
- Food Waste: The Issue of Food Waste (Toronto Food Policy Council)
- New Report: Annual Food Waste in Canada is $31 Billion
- Understanding GMO (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Genetically Modified Foods: A Primer (CBC News)
- B.C. Forest Practices Board (an independent watchdog for the forest industry in B.C.)
- A Cut Above: Ecological Principles for Sustainable Forestry in British Columbia (David Suzuki Foundation--gives the environmental perspective.)
- B.C. Forestry Watchdog Finds Timber Companies Have Too Much Power (Vancouver Sun)
- Forest Facts (Council of Forest Industries)
- Enforcement of B.C. Forest Regulations Shows Record of Small Fines, Little Transparency (Vancouver Sun)
- Logging Ban Urged to Protect Vancouver Island Old Growth Forests (CBC News)
- Opinion: Canadian Forestry Sector Needs Rebuilding (Vancouver Sun)
- BC Forest Practices Board Releases Report on Old Growth Forest Conservation
- Salmon Farms: Has Anything Changed After a Decade of Controversy? (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Wave of Controversy Greets Fish Farms
- [Aquaculture Articles] Vancouver Sun
- Aquaculture (Province of B.C.) (Includes a map identifying fish farming areas in B.C.)
- Aquaculture Scientific Research (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Government of Canada)
- B.C. Salmon Farmers Association
- Deadly Salmon Disease Found in Farmed Stock, Federal Scientists Say
- Salmon Farming: A Grave Concern, A Great Hope
- Which Fish to Pick: Farmed or Wild? (Mayo Clinic)
- Energy (Statistics Canada)
- Canada's Energy Future 2016:Energy Supply and
- Natural Resources Canada (click on the "Energy" Tab at the top of the page)
- About Renewable Energy (Natural Resources Canada)
- Energy (David Suzuki Foundation)
- Complete Shift to Renewable Energy Within Canada's Reach, Academics Say (Globe and Mail, March 18, 2015)
- Telling the Energy Story
- Canadian Energy Strategy (by Canada's Premiers, July 2015)
The White Man's Indian
- Look at the following books on the trolley: Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies (791.43 PAS); Reel Vs. Real: How Hollywood Turns Fact Into Fiction (791.43 SAN); Media Issues and Representations (Contemporary Native American Issues) (791.43 KIN); The Media Gaze: Representations of Diversities in Canada (303.23 FLE); First Nations 101(971.004 GRA); and Seeing Red: a History of Natives in Canadian Newspapers (070.4 AND)
- EBSCO search: ["indians of north america" stereotypes]
Gold Mountain 2.0
- Look at the books on Chinese Canadians and Canadian immigrants on the trolley.
- Search the databases such as EBSCO [chin* immigra* canada] OR Canadian Points of View [chinese immigration canada] (Important Note: For Canadian Points of View, click "All Results" under "Source Type" on the left-hand column
- Facts and figures 2013 – Immigration Overview: Permanent Residents (Government of Canada)
- Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity in Canada (Statistics Canada, 2011)
- Young, Suburban and Mostly Asian: Canada's Immigrant Population Soars (National Post, May 8, 2013)
- Canada Immigration Chief Admits Mainlanders Flouting Rules was One Reason for Visa Axe (South China Post, April 8, 2014)
- China Immigration Backdoor Runs Through Quebec (Huffington Post, April 7, 2014)
- Chinese Immigrants in Canada: Their Changing Composition and Economic Performance (Department of Geography, Tyerson University, 2005)
- Is Vancouver Ready for 52,00 More Wealthy New Immigrants? (Vancouver Sun, Feb 10, 2014)
- Chinese Immigrants Likely to Report Low Incomes (Vancouver Sun, Mar 20, 2015)
- Immigrants from China to Canada: Issues of Supply and Demand of Human Capital (Canadian Research Data Network)
- Search the databases such as EBSCO [fur industry canada], Canadian Points of View (make sure you click on "All Results" in the left-hand column)[fur industry canada]; or Global Points of View [search for "fur trade"]
- The Fur Council of Canada (a site representing the Canadian fur industry)
- Fur Institute of Canada (This institute describes itself as "the country's lead experts on humane trap research and furbearer conservation and...the official trap-testing agency for the Government of Canada and all provincial/territorial governments.")
- Canada's Fur Industry (Humane Society International, an animal welfare group opposed to the fur industry)
- Statistics Canada (search for "fur")
- Trapping in British Columbia (B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations)
- Check databases such as EBSCO and Canadian Points of View for articles on rail transport in Canada and on the Lac Megantic tragedy.
- Statistics Canada (search for "rail")
- Railway Association of Canada
- Key Issues in Rail Transportation Safety (Parliament of Canada)
- Rail Transportation (Transport Canada)
- Rail Safety (Transport Canada)--Make sure to look at the "Exhibits" at the end of this report. It includes vital information on Canada's railway network and on safety issues.
- Feds Lack Information on Rail Safety: Report (Montreal Gazette, February 18, 2014)
- Sites for some of the largest rail companies in Canada: CN Railway Company, Via Rail and Canadian Pacific
- Proposed rail safety laws to make oil carriers responsible for accidents (CBC News, Feb 20, 2015)
- Lac Megantic (CBC Montreal, Special Report)
- Search the following databases: EBSCO [mascot* sport* racis*] OR [sport* racis* stereotyp*]; Canadian Points of View [racism sports] OR [racism sports mascots] OR [racism sports stereotypes]
- Summary of the APA Resolution Recommending Retirement of American Indian Mascots (American Psychological Association)
- Native American Mascot Policy (National Collegiate Athletic Association)
- Chief Illiniwek: Dignified or Damaging?
- Native Mascots and Other Misguided Beliefs (American Indian, Fall 2011)
- What's in a Name?: Sports Teams, Mascots and Racism: Looking at the Impact of a Potentially Racist Name with School Logos and Team Names (The Sheaf, University of Saskatchewan)
- Look in the WEBCAT for books on the immigrant group you are researching. [e.g. search for "Chinese Canad*] There are several books on the trolley that will also be extremely helpful, especially Encyclopedia of Canada's Peoples (971 ENC), which has detailed information on the history of almost every group of Canadian immigrants.
- Excellent, detailed information is also available at: Ethnic Groups Booklets (Library and Archives Canada)
- The databases have some excellent articles on this topic. For example a search for ["police power*" canad*] in EBSCO yields many very useful articles. (Hint: Try limiting your results to magazine articles (i.e. click on "Magazines" under "Source Types" in the left-hand column.)
- Debate over police powers missing key voices: women and minorities (Globe and Mail, Opinion)
- Police (The Enyclopedia of Canada)
- Police Resources in Canada, 2014 (Statistics Canada)-contains information about Aboriginal officers and visible minority officers.
- Canadians' Faith in Police has Plunged, Poll Finds (Postmedia News, April 25, 2012)
- The RCMP's Necessary But Insufficient Change (Globe and Mail, September 24, 2010)
- Police Accountability and Police Powers(Canadian Civil Liberties Association)
- Police Powers and Drug-Related Offenses (Parliament of Canada)
- New Cyberbullying Law Has "Larger Agenda", Expands Police Powers (CBC News, November 21, 2013)
- Supreme Court Speaks on School Searches
- Towards Equity and Efficiency in Policing (FCM Report, 2014)
The databases (EBSCO and Canadian Points of View) have many articles about Canadian political scandals, including the recent Senate scandal (also look up Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and other senators involved in this scandal). For historical scandals, books (e.g. books on John A. MacDonald) will provide a great deal of information.

Quebec City protest against Canadian involvement in the war in
Afghanistan, 2007
- Use books on the trolley or search Webcat for useful titles.
- Van Tech Digital Library: (N.B.: Use truncation, synonyms & subject headings) e. g. [food shortage* or food cris* or food supply] and [genetic* modif* or GM*] Be sure also to limit by publication year.
Canadian Points of View
Vancouver Sun, The Province, The Tyee
Canadian Periodicals Index Quarterly
Online Resources for Specific Topics:
- Aid Organizations: Use the official websites (e.g. Save the Children) and the databases, e.g. EBSCOHost for objective information about projects,criticisms, scandals etc. The Canadian Points of View Database (search for "Foreign Aid") has a good discussion of what role Canada should play in providing international aid.
- Celebrity Social Activists: For nearly 100 articles on this topic, look in EBSCOHost and search for the following: ["celebrit* activ*"]. That search will yield information about what celebrities are doing and whether they are actually making a difference.
- Food for Thought: For an analysis of the world food crisis, search for articles in the databases listed above (especially Global Issues in Context (look under ["Food Security] and [Genetically Modified Foods] Canadian Points of View (look under ["genetically modified foods"]) and EBSCOHost) and also try the following sites: Food Crisis (The World Bank), The World Food Situation (Food and Agriculture Organization), Dossier: World Food Crisis in Depth (United Nations, World Food Program)
- Factory Farms: Search databases such as EBSCOHost (search: ["factory farm*" canad*]--638 articles OR ["meat industry" and "organic farming"]), Canadian Points of View and EBSCOHostGreenfile. For information on Canadian laws and regulations concerning food animals, see Animal Welfare in Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency). For information on arguments against factory farming, see Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals (also check their Scientific and Other Reports section), Farm Animal Welfare (Vancouver Humane Society), Inside the Factory Farm (World Society for the Protection of Animals), Crackdown on Factory Farm Drug Use Urged (Canadian Medical Association Journal), Beyond Factory Farming and Finding Facts on Factory Farming (Vancouver Sun Blog). For a definition of organic farming and related terms, see Organic Farming in Canada: an Overview (Parliament of Canada) and Organic Products (Canadian Food Inspection Agency).
- Status of Women: Look in EBSCOHost for two articles in Newsweek 9/26/2011 by Lauren Streib: The Best Places to be a Woman AND The Worst Places to be a Woman. (Her world map is in the Wikipedia article on "Women's Rights".) Global Issues in Context has an section called "Women and Poverty" that discusses the plight of the world's poor women. Also check out The Progress of the Word's Women & The Progress of the World's Women: in Pursuit of Justice, 2011-2012 (United Nations, UN Women)The World's Women and Girls 2011 Data Sheet (Population Reference Bureau), Directory of UN Resources on Gender and Women's Issues, The World's Women Reports (United Nations). For information on women's rights activists, search under these terms in EBSCOHost: [women* rights activist*]. For information on what happens to immigrant women with low status, see Immigrant and Refugee Women (Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women). British Columbia newspapers (Vancouver Sun, The Province and The Tyee) have many stories about individual women immigrants and refugees.
- Mass Destruction: For an overview of this topic read the articles on "War", "Weapon", "Nuclear Weapon" and "Arms Control" in World Book Online. Other useful sites: Weapons Technology (New Scientist), Weapons Technology (Guardian), Weapons Technology News (Science Daily) and Cyberwar: War in the Fifth Domain . For information on the morality of warfare, see BBC Ethics Guide: Against the Theory of the Just War, The Ethics of Chemical and Biological Weaponry and Drones and the Ethics of War.
- On Being Canadian: What Canadian Identity? Which Canadian Values?
- Persons of Interest: Use the databases listed above as well as the Biography in Context database.
- Documenting the War: War Artists (The Canadian Encyclopedia), Canada's War Art (Canadian War Museum), Art and War (Canadian War Museum), War Art (Veterans' Affairs Canada), Images of a Forgotten War (National Film Board of Canada)
- Imagine...a World Without War: Look in EBSCOHost with the following suggested searches: ["anti-war movement*" (impact* or effect*)] or ["peace movements"]. Some possibly useful websites are: Canadian Peace Alliance Member Groups,
- Child Soldiers: Look in Global Issues in Context under [child soldiers] andEBSCOHost under: [DE "child soldiers"] or [DE "child soldiers" psychol*]. Global Issues in Context also has lists of websites and of organizations that are working to help child soldiers. Some useful websites: Children and Armed Conflict (United Nations) and From Cradle to War (Amnesty International USA).
- War on Terror: Look in Global Issues in Context [al qaeda] and [terrorism] for excellent background information and many articles on both topics. For articles on whether the killing of Bin Laden was justified, look in EBSCOHost under [bin laden (kill* or assassinat*) justifi*]. Useful websites: Currently Listed Entities [Terrorist Groups] (Public Safety Canada), Uniting Against Terrorism (United Nations)..talks about the conditions that cause people to join terrorist groups.
- Hobo Capital of Canada Books on the trolley will be very helpful and contain the most detailed information on this topic. You could also check out the Encyclopedia of British Columbia, the Canadian Encyclopedia and Canada and the Great Depression (Vancouver Public Library)
- "Joe Sent Me"...Mobsters & Rum Runners of Canada Books on the trolley deal with Prohibition in both Canada and the U.S. The Canadian Encyclopedia & The Encyclopedia of British Columbia both have useful articles and links (HINT: Look under Prohibition and Rum Runners)
- Auschwitz...Gate to Hell In addition to the excellent books on the trolley, the following sites will be most useful: Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum (Official Site), Auschwitz (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum--Explore the links on this site.), The Auschwitz Album (Yad Vashem)
- Women in Combat Articles on Nichola Goddard will be found in Canadian Points of View and EBSCOHost. These databases also contain many articles on women in combat. Other useful links are Women in the Canadian Military (CBC Backgrounder), 8 Other Nations that Send Women to Combat (National Geographic), Women in Combat: Pentagon to Overturn Military Ban (The Guardian, Jan 2013), Women (Canadian Forces), Women in Combat--About Time? (Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic, and Disarmament Studies)
- Spreading Hate EBSCOHost, Canadian Points of View and Global Issues in Context have many articles on this topic. Look under topics such as "Hate Groups" "White Supremacists" "Neo-Nazis" etc. The CBC and Canadian newspapers will also have many articles on these topics.
- Oka Standoff Use the books on the trolley and articles from the following databases: Canadian Points of View, EBSCOHost, The Canadian Encyclopedia. Other useful links: The CBC, The Oka Crisis (CBC Digital Archives), Kahnesatake: 270 Years of Resistance (DVD available in the Van Tech library)
State of the Environment Project--Social Studies 11
Use the library's databases--try Global Issues in Context and Greenfile
- Canadian Geographic Climate Prosperity Diagram
- Canadian Environmental Law Association
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Canadian Environmental Network
- Environment (Statistics Canada)
- Environment Canada
- Environment Canada: Environmental Indicators
- Environment Canada: Take Action for the Environment
- How Canada Performs: Environment (Conference Board of Canada)
- Human Activity and the Environment--Stats Can
- Sierra Club Canada
- World Wildlife Federation Canada
Weather Trivia Pop Quiz Project
- A Lost Heritage: Canada's Residential Schools (CBC)
- Facebook--Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- Legacy of Hope Foundation
- St. Anne's Residential School: One Survivor's Story (CBC)
- Reconciliation Canada
- Reconciliation Through Education [interview with Justice Murray Sinclain]
- The Residential School System (UBC Indigenous Foundations)
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission [Livestream--Survivors' Statements]
- We Were So Far Away: the Inuit Experience of Residential School
- Where are the Children? : Healing the Legacy of Residential Schools
World of Weather Project
- Aircare is No Cash Grab: It Works
- Aircare: Partners in Clean Air
- B.C.'s Aircare Program to End After 20 Years (Vancouver Sun)
- Report of the Aircare Review Committeee, July 2010
- Environment Canada: Top Ten Canadian Weather Stories Archive (Includes a section on the top ten Canadian weather events of the 20th century.)
- El Nino (Environment Canada)
- El Nino: Making Sense of the Weather (NASA)
- La Nina (NASA)
- NOAA'S El Nino Page (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)--United States
- EBSCO Database (Use the Van Tech login and search for [("climatic changes" or weather) health][Weather health]
- Weather Lore and Trivia (by a Canadian climatologist)