Science 8--Plate Tectonics Unit--Project: Earthquakes

Use the following links to help you answer the questions on your assignment sheet:
1. Historical Earthquake Events
- The 10 Most Powerful Earthquakes (The Guardian)
- [Animations of Different Types of Faults] (Do a CTRL F search for "fault" and see animations of different types of faults during an earthquake.)
- The Bam (Iran) Earthquake of December 26, 2003
- CNN Haiti Earthquake Page
- Earthquakes Canada
- Earthquake Photos (National Geographic)
- Geologist Explains Why Haiti Earthquake Such a Disaster
- Great Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami of April 27, 1964
- Great Japan Earthquake of 1923 (Smithsonian)
- Great Tohoku, Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, 11 March 2011
- Indian Ocean Tsunami Remembered — Scientists reflect on the 2004 Indian Ocean that killed thousands
- Japan Quake, Tsunami Cause Major Damage (CBC)
- Japan's Killer Quake and Mega-Tsunami: How Did this Happen?
- Famous Earthquakes (Scholastic)
- Nepal Earthquakes: Devastation in Maps and Pictures (BBC)
- Notable Earthquakes in History (Encyclopedia Britannica)
- The Quake that Moved Mount Everest
- Significant Earthquakes (USGS)
- Today in Earthquake History: Alaska 1964
- Today in Earthquake History: Chile 1960
- Top 10 Deadliest Earthquakes in History (NBC News)
- World-Wide Earthquake Locator
- Are We Ready for the Big One? (Vancouver Magazine)
- Atlas of Megathrust Risk in Metro Vancouver (SFU)
- B.C. Earthquake Report Finds Province Not Prepared
- Earthquake Risk in B.C.
- Earthquakes Canada
- What to Expect When a 7.3 Earthquake Hits North Vancouver
- Worst Case Scenario Vancouver Earthquake Could Have Death Toll of 10,000
- Are You Prepared for an Earthquake in Vancouver?
- City of Vancouver: Are You Prepared for an Earthquake?
- Earthquakes (Province of British Columbia
- Get Prepared (Government of Canada)
- The Great British Columbia Shakeout
- Prepare Yourself
- Preparing for an Earthquake: Before, During and After
- Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety