Science Resources
General Science Sites
- National Science Digital Library This site, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, provides an amazing array of quality materials designed to support science and math students. It includes podcasts by scientists in the field.
- Science 360. This site, which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, presents videos on a variety of science topics.
- the Best Source for Canadian Science
- ScienceBlogs (One of the best networks for quality science blogs.)
- The Scientist. Online magazine about the Life Sciences. Lots of great images.
- Scitable--A free site providing academically vetted science content and a social network that allows serious science students to build a network of peers, teachers and advisors. Includes multimedia content and interactive games.
- Sparticl: The Best Science on the Web
- Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Astronomy & Space Science
- Amazing Space
- Astronomy (10 Cool Sites from the Exploratorium)
- Astronomy and Space (National Science Foundation)
- Astronomy and Space Science--Directory of Online Resources (AcademicInfo)
- Canadian Space Agency
- Explore the Universe (Smithsonian)
- Exploring Space (PBS--looks at the possibility of human settlement on Mars)
- Eyes on the Solar System (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)
- Hayden Planetarium, Digital Universe Download (downloadable atlas of the universe that allows users to fly digitally through the galaxy)
- Hubblesite
- [Mars Pictures] High Resolution Imaging Science Project (University of Arizona, Tucson)
- NASA Images
- NASA Quest (asks you to solve challenges similar to those encountered by real NASA scientists)
- Nine Planets: A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System: One Star, Eight Planets and More
- Planet Quest: the Search for Another Earth
- Science and Space (National Geographic)
- Solar System (National Geographic)
- Solar System Exploration (NASA)
- Space (BBC)
- Stellarium (free planetarium for your computer--shows a realistic 3D sky)
- Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
- Student Science
- Windows to the Universe (NASA)
- E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia (Free database published by the UBC Department of Geography)
- E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Fauna of BC
- EOL: Encyclopedia of Life
- Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia (VSB subscription. Click on "Gale Virtual Reference Library", use Van Tech Library's digital resource ID and Password (available upon request in the library), and then click on "Science".)
- OceanLink (Click on the "Search" box to find information on Pacific Northwest marine animals. This site is sponsored by B.C.'s Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre.)
- Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
Climate Change
Bill Gates Climate change and the 75% problem
- Chernobyl
- Guardian - Chernobyl 30 Years On
- Live Science - Chernobyl: Facts about the Nuclear Disaster
- National Geographic - Chernobyl's Dead Zone
- National Geographic - Chernobyl Wildlife 30 Years Later
- U.S NRC Backgrounder on Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
- World Health Organization - Chernobyl 30 Years On
- Chernobyl accident
- Chernobyl
- Global Climate Change--Excellent site created by the Exploratorium in San Francisco. Presents research conducted by scientists from many disciplines. Provides real-time data.
- Global Warming--Great overview by the National Georgaphic Society
- What's Up With the Weather?--Explores the research connected with global warming as well as the debate in the scientific community.
Health and Medicine
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Concussion Awareness Training Tool
- Daily Plate: Helping You Eat Smarter
- Dietician Services at HealthLink B.C.
- Dieticians of Canada--Your Health
- DrugsNot4Me
- HealthLink BC
- Food Insight--Your Nutrition and Food Safety Resource
- Medline Plus (U.S. National Library of Medicine)
- MSF Ebola Blog
- NIDA for Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- TeensHealth
- WHO: Infectious Diseases
- Simple Machines
Science Fair Sites
- Canada Wide Science Fair
- Canada Wide Virtual Science Fair
- Choosing a Topic (Science Fair Project and Resource Guide, IPL2)
- Energy Quest Science Projects
- Experiments and Science Fair Projects (IPL2)
- Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair
- Math Projects for Science Fairs (Mathematical Society of Canada)
- Neuroscience for Kids (University of Washington)
- Science Buddies: Science Fair Project Ideas
- Science Fair (PBS Kids)
- Science Fair Center (Homeworkspot)
- Science Fair Central (Discovery Education)
- Science Fair Ideas (Science Bob)
- Science Fair Foundation--Resources
- Science Fair Project and Resource Guide (IPL2)
- The Scientific Method (Science Bob)
- The Scientific Method (
- Student Science (Click on "Science Project Resources" on the sidebar at the left.)
- Super Science Fair Projects: Ideas, Topics and Experiments
- Topic Selection Wizard (Science Buddies)
- Youth Science Canada
For Science Teachers
- PER (Physics Education Research Central)
- Vision Learning (high-quality science modules in biology, chemistry, earth science, physics and more)